十余年来,GaAs单片微波集成电路(MMIC)经历了研究和性能验证,现已由实验室进入试生产车间,并已为军事电子工程和卫星直播电视接收系统试用。GaAs电路的极宽频带覆盖性能,集约化生产优势、低成本与高可靠性潜力,将使人刮目相看。它们将在未来的低成本微波系统中大量应用,这种新兴的单片微波集成电路工艺,将对下一代军用微波系统设计发挥深远影响。1985年以前它们的应用记录为零;而预计90年代初,GaAs集成电路在军用电子系统中的应用比例可达10%。技术进展和市场份额的这种快速增长趋势,不能不引起人们的特别重视。 70年代是Si集成技术取得辉煌成就的年
For more than a decade, GaAs monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) have undergone research and performance verification and are now in the pilot production workshop and have been piloted for military electronic engineering and satellite live television reception systems. The extremely wideband coverage of GaAs circuits, their intensive manufacturing advantages, their low cost and high reliability potential will make their eyes on the scene. They will be massively used in future low-cost microwave systems, and this new monolithic microwave integrated circuit process will have a profound impact on the design of next-generation military microwave systems. Their application records were zero until 1985, while GaAs ICs are expected to be used in military electronics systems by up to 10% in the early 1990s. This rapid growth trend of technological progress and market share can not but draw special attention. The 70’s is a year of brilliant achievements of Si’s integrated technology