草莓是多年生草木植物,植株矮小,丛状生长,果实营养丰富,经济价值较高。种植草莓是广大农民脱贫致富奔小康的好门路,种好草莓应抓好以下几点: 一、选好良种,栽植壮苗。我省表现较好的品种有鸡心、全明星、宝交早丰、哈尼、红衣等。草莓是用匍匐茎上发生的新苗进行繁殖,所以新苗的质量决定翌年的产量,种苗要求品种纯,每株4—5片大叶,叶浓绿柄粗壮,根系发达,无病虫害。
Strawberry is a perennial herbaceous plants, plant dwarf, plexus growth, nutrient-rich fruit, high economic value. Planting strawberries is a good way for peasants to get rid of poverty and get on well-to-do side. Well planting strawberries should do a good job in the following aspects: First, selecting good seeds and planting strong seedlings. Better varieties in our province have chicken heart, all-star, Bao Zao Feng, Hani, red and so on. Strawberry is propagated on new stalks that occur on stolons. Therefore, the quality of new shoots determines the yield of the following year. The seedlings require pure varieties with 4-5 large leaves per plant. The leaves are rich in thick green stems and developed root systems with no pests or diseases.