CAT and Subtitle Translation

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  Abstract:With the intensive development of global economic integration,foreign film and TV drama have been pouring into the domestic market ,the demand for film and television production and subtitling translation becoming more and more prominent,and the research on subtitling translation has also attracted more attention.In the beginning,this article makes a review of the current situation of domestic subtitle translation and the problems it faces,and then explains how computer-assisted translation can improve efficiency in specific works and how to use it to improve translation efficiency.At the end of this paper,it points out that computer-assisted translation technology is significant for film and television production,promoting cultural transmission and enriching subtitle translation in teaching.
  Key Words:CAT;Subtitle Translation;Trados Application
  1 Introduction
  In the information age,film and television entertainment has become a globalized,networked,and popular culture consumption behavior.The film and television works with subtitle translation can maintain its original flavor as well as obtain the maximum amount of information at the least time,which become more and more popular.At the same time,people have put forward a higher requirement on the publication period of film and television works.Under the background of foreign film and television drama entering the domestic market in large quantities,how to correctly use the computer aided translation software to improve the quality of translation and translation efficiency has plays a significant role in it.In the context of globalization,the rapid development of Internet technology,especially modern translation technology,including computer-assisted translation has provided a solid technical platform for the promotion of translation efficiency and quality assurance.
  2 Current status of domestic subtitle translation
  After the reform and opening up,China’s film and television industry continues to develop and prosper.After “House M.D. ” and“Desperate Housewives” and other US dramas have hit in our country in 2006,research literature of Chinese film and television translation began to rise more.For example,Ma Zhengqi(1997)explored the five characteristics of audio-visual translation,including oral character,figures characterization,emotional and popularization.Zhang Chunbo(1998)summed up the two great features of film and television drama language which are immediacy and popularization,especially making an in-depth analysis for the nature of spoken language in film and television.   Although the research on the translation of TV subtitles has been gone deeper in the past one decade,most of the research results are still mainly focused on the main problems in the translation process and the corresponding translation strategies,and still basically look at and study subtitle translation of film and television from a traditional perspective.However,there are few people making researches on improvement of modern translation technology,such as the computer-aided translation software,terminology technology,speech recognition technology and other technology on subtitle translation speed and efficiency and quality assurance.
  3 The main confronting problems of subtitle translation
  Things developed with problems.There are three main problems faced by audio-visual subtitle translation,that are time,coordination and technology.
  3.1 Problem of time
  Whether it is the official dubbing system or the folk dubbing system,there is a problem of time lag.The subtitle group members of network subtitle translation groups in folk translating system are mostly part-time undergraduates scattered around.In the field of subtitle translation there is a potential standard,that is,who can work in the shortest possible time and makes releases,who will be able to win more attention and market.Whether it is the official translation system or the subtitle translation group in the folk system,it is common for the pursuit of translation speed and release time as result of sacrificing the necessary technical support or omitting proofreading and other stages.
  3.2 Problem of coordination
  In addition to time,the subtitle translation team also has problems in the division of labor between the members,mainly due to professional level and time and place differences between the members is difficult to achieve a effectively coordination.The cooperation of many people makes the overall film and television language style not uniform and inconsistencies in the before and after translation.This is a realistic question that must be faced by major subtitle groups,including Eden (YDY),Feng Ruan (H’R),Broken Bear (PLX),YYeTS(YY).Therefore,the entire subtitle translation team’s work lacks systematization,which is difficult to maintain the quality of collaboration.
  3.3 Problem of technology
  In subtitle translation,another prominent problem is the lack of support of effective technology and tools,resulting in inefficient translation work.At present,the main subtitle processing tools include Time ma-chine,Subtitle workshop,Popsub,VisualSub-Sync,Open Subtitle Translator,Subcreator,Srt subtitle production assistant.Take Time Machine,the current mainstream tool,for example,this tool supports SRT,ASS and other subtitles format,you can load the video which needs to be added the subtitles,product time shaft,you also can split,merge subtitles and do other operations.However,this software lacks the translation memory and terminology management which is necessary for professional translation software.   4 Use of computer-aided technology for subtitle translation of TV and dramas
  In the narrow sense,computer-aided translation(CAT)tools “specifically refers to computer-aided translation software designed to improve translation efficiency and optimize the translation process. ”(Xu Bin.2007:79)For subtitle translation,the most powerful function of computer-aided translation software is powerful translation memory ,which can improve the efficiency of translation and translation quality.In addition to the function of translation memory,computer-assisted translation software can also provide paragraph segmentation,format conversion,co-sharing,cooperative assessing and other functions which can turn a single translation task into a cooperative translation project and it has great significance for unification of terminology and improvement of efficiency.
  In the broad sense,computer-assisted translation technology refers to information technology which can improve the efficiency of translation in the process of language and translation cultural communication(Zhang Xiaojun.2013:10).Such as coding treatment before translation,translatable resource extraction,word count,task analysis,terminology extraction;fragment translation,translation verification,terminology recognition,progress monitoring;post-translation format conversion,fuzzy matching,automated quality management,translation processing,language property management,etc.;as well as corpus automatic alignment,machine translation,voice input,voice translation and other technologies.These technologies can significantly save translation time and help improve overall efficiency and quality.
  5 Significance of Promotion of computer-aided technology
  In today’s age of diversified entertainment,the promotion and application of CAT technology and tools in domestic subtitle translation plays a significant role in standardizing development of domestic subtitle translation industry,speeding up time-to-market for products and promoting international cultural exchange and communication.
  With the rapid development of translation technology,our teaching and research on translation technology should keep pace with the times.In the era of cloud computing and large data,computer-aided subtitle translation is a new translation phenomenon,which containing many topics worth of our attention and research.For example,what kind of functional categories and roles that modern subtitle translation technology and tools have,how to evaluate them objectively and how to evaluate the quality and efficiency of the automated subtitle translation technology in the cultural translation of film and television,etc.   6 Conclusion
  Production tools are the main symbols of productivity,and production tools play a decisive role in the development of productive forces.With the development of information technology and language technology,advanced computer-aided translation tools continue to emerge.And follow-up work they need to do is that just to manually revising the subtitle translation,then it can be simplified from a complex version,which is a major breakthrough in the subtitle translation technology field.And everything of the sort,computer-aided Translation technology will make a profound significance on subtitle translation.
  7 Acknowledgements
  I would like to first express my deepest gratitude to Professor Hu Yijun,my teacher for this lecture,who has given me constant encouragement and guidance throughout the process of lecture learning.Without him,I can not learn much more about CAT.I am really appreciate of the time spent on this lesson because I have known many good people and aquired knowledge of technology.
  Last but not least,I would like to thank my dear friends who have accompanied me when I am alone and support me.Without you,I couldn’t be who I am now.
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Abstract:Meaning in the use is an important theory given by Ludwig Wittgenstein,a pioneer in Linguistic Philosophy.The theory is of great similarity with functional equivalence in translation studies.
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◆摘 要:备课是教学的前期准备工作,是教师从事教学的基本功。备课时应充分考虑“预设”与“生成”的关系。备课实际上是一种预设,而现实告诉我们,“生成”才是真,到了课堂上才知道真实情况,这就存在一种“预设”与“生成”之间的偏差,从而要求我们充分了解学情。因此,在高中数学教学备课时要充分考虑课堂上可能会发生的情况,并制定好相应的对策。这样上课时,遇到特殊情况才能有游刃有余。  ◆关键词:数学课;备课