近年,我们在池塘中进行蟹苗当年养成商品蟹试验,取得显著经济效益。商品蟹最大个体125克,平均个体100克。现将具体做法介绍如下: 一、池塘选择、准备、放养 1.池塘选择 养殖池塘选择水源丰富、水质清新,无污染,进排水方便,保水性能好的壤土或粘土为好、大小5—10亩,东西向、长方形。以保证池塘水质稳定、溶氧充足。池深2.0米。池底四周挖0.5米深、1.0米宽蟹沟。并向一边略有倾斜、池坡比1:1.5。塘口四周无高大建筑物及高大树木。 2、准备 将选好的塘口在放养蟹种前8天用其药物彻底清塘。干清:生石灰75公斤/亩,或漂白粉10公斤/亩。
In recent years, we conducted crab trials in the pond to develop a commercial crab test and achieved significant economic benefits. The largest individual commodity crab 125 grams, the average individual 100 grams. The specific practices are introduced as follows: First, the pond selection, preparation, stocking 1. Pond selection Breeding ponds selection of rich water, fresh water, non-polluting, easy access to drainage, good water retention of loam or clay is good, the size of 5-10 acres , East-west, rectangular. To ensure the stability of pond water, adequate dissolved oxygen. Pool depth 2.0 meters. Dig around the bottom of the pool 0.5 meters deep, 1.0 meters wide crab ditch. Slightly tilted to the side, the slope ratio of 1: 1.5. Tangkou surrounded by tall buildings and tall trees. 2, ready to be selected Tongkou 8 days before the stocking of crabs with its drugs thoroughly Qingtang. Drying: Lime 75 kg / mu, or bleach 10 kg / mu.