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组织学生队伍是体育课教学中的一项重要的组织工作。其构成因素有:学生队伍的基本站位、基本队形、基本方向及基本路线等四个方面。一、学生队伍的基本站位 (一)何谓基本站位学生的基本站位是指体育课中,教师为保证教学工作的正常进行,安排学生队伍所站的位置。学生队伍的位置是否合理,将直接影响课堂的教学效果。因此。教师在备课时和布置场地、器材时,应首先考虑学生在课堂上各个教学环节中的基本站位,以保证教学工作的顺利进行。 (二)对学生队伍站位的要求在组织教学工作中,确定学生的站位应遵循三 Organizing student teams is an important organizational task in physical education teaching. Its constituent elements are: the basic position, basic formation, basic direction and basic route of the student team. First, the basic position of the student team (A) What is the basic station Students’ basic station refers to the physical education class, the teacher to ensure the normal work of teaching, arrange the position of the student team. Whether the position of the student team is reasonable or not will directly affect the teaching effect of the classroom. therefore. When preparing lessons and setting up venues and equipment, teachers should first consider the basic positions of students in various teaching sessions in the classroom to ensure the smooth progress of teaching work. (b) The requirements for the position of student teams in the organization of teaching work, determine the station of students should follow three
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