1 NOAA使用新技术进行海啸侦测和气象监测2013年2月美国海洋大气管理局NOAA的国家浮标资料中心(National Data Buoy Center,NDBC)将一项新的海啸探测技术应用于墨西哥湾的海啸深海评估和报告网络(Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting ofTsunami,DART),这项新技术被NOAA称为波浪滑行器(Wave Glider)。Wave Glider同时还可以作为气象
1 NOAA Use of New Technologies for Tsunami Detection and Meteorological Monitoring February 2013 NASA NOAA’s National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) has applied a new tsunami detection technology to the deep-sea tsunami in the Gulf of Mexico The Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami (DART), a new technology by NOAA called the Wave Glider. Wave Glider also can be used as weather