Every winter, an International Electronic Devices Conference (IEDM) is held in Washington, DC, USA. It can be said that this meeting is a dynamic window to watch electronic devices. From the composition of the conference essay to the content of the essay, one can see the development trend of the electronic devices in the western countries. For example, in the 1960s, the papers on conventional microwave tubes accounted for a large proportion of such international conferences, indicating that the development of traditional microwave tubes in western countries has entered its heyday. By the mid-to-late 1970s, the number of papers in these microwave tubes was significantly reduced, giving way to some new principles of microwave tubes, solid state devices and integrated circuits. This situation reflects the traditional microwave tube has matured, the centimeter wave band has been covered completely, at the same time, based on the new principle of millimeter wave, sub-millimeter wave vacuum electronics rapid rise, eye-opener.