哈耶克(Hayek Friedrich August,1899-1992),奥地利裔英国经济学家。新自由主义的代表人物,生于奥地利维也纳,先后获维也纳大学法学和政治科学博士学位。20世纪20年代留学美国,先后任维也纳大学讲师、奥地利经济周期研究所所长、英国伦敦经济学院教授、德国弗莱堡大学教授等。1938年加入英国籍。哈耶克早期以研究货币和经济周期理论成名,提出货币投资过度理论。他认为经济周期的根源在于信贷变动引起的投资变动。银行信贷的扩大刺激了投资,一旦银行停止信贷扩张,经济就会由于缺乏资本而爆发危机。他相信资本主义经济本身有一种自行趋
Hayek Friedrich August (1899-1992), an Austrian-born British economist. Neoliberal representative, born in Vienna, Austria, has received a doctorate in law and political science from the University of Vienna. Studied in the United States in the 1920s, successively lectured at the University of Vienna, director of the Austrian Economic Cycle Research Institute, a professor at the London School of Economics in the United Kingdom and a professor at Freiburg University in Germany. Joined British in 1938. Hayek early fame in the study of monetary and economic cycle theory, put forward the theory of over-investment in money. He believes the root cause of the business cycle is the change in investment caused by credit changes. The expansion of bank credit stimulated investment, and once the bank stopped credit expansion, the economy would have a crisis due to the lack of capital. He believes that the capitalist economy itself has a tendency