一、为什么要进行辩证唯物主义教育 辩证唯物主义世界观是我们正确认识自然、探索自然规律,推动科学技术迅速发展的强有力武器。周恩来总理曾经说过:“有唯物辩证法作指导是我国实现科学技术现代化的第一个重要有利条件。”青少年时期,是世界观逐渐形成的重要时期。因而,在教授生物基础知识和培养各种能力的同时给学生一些辩证唯物主义教育,这不但是他们形成正确的世界观的需要也是学好生物知识的需要。
I. Why Dialectical Materialism Education Dialectical materialist world outlook is a powerful weapon for us to correctly understand nature, explore natural laws and promote the rapid development of science and technology. Premier Zhou Enlai once said: “It is an important and favorable condition for our country to realize the modernization of science and technology with the guidance of materialist dialectics.” Adolescence is an important period in which the world outlook has gradually taken shape. Therefore, giving students some dialectical materialist education while teaching biological basic knowledge and cultivating various abilities is not only the need of forming a correct world outlook, but also the need of learning biological knowledge.