一部近代史人人皆知,割地赔款、丧权辱国。 嘉庆道光年间,中国富裕繁荣,官员大肆挥霍,官吏饮食衣服,车马玩好,无不斗奇称巧。一次宴请常常三日不能毕。道光继位,颇想重振大清雄风,他从自己做起,衣非三日不换,高价食物,虽然喜欢也不取,宫中用款,年不过20万两白银,然腐败之风弥漫全国,病入膏育,颇为节俭的道光也万般无奈。结果便是鸦片战争道光屈服,首开中国割地赔款、丧权辱国之先例。一个王朝的官吏如此腐败,军备如此废弛,制度如此腐朽,怎能不溃败?(鸦片战争之败主要原因不只是装备落后 编者注) 咸丰帝登基时刚刚二十岁,血气方刚。大理寺卿倭仁进言,将一个衰败王朝的官场空气描绘得入木三分。倭仁说这些活是需要些胆量的。
A modern history is well known, cutting compensation, humiliating. Jiaqing Daoguang years, China’s prosperity and prosperity, officials wantonly squandered, officials diet, play well, are all fighting oddly clever. A dinner often can not be completed on the 3rd. Daoguang successor, quite like to revive Qing dynasty treasures, he started from himself, non-changing clothes on the 3rd, high-priced food, although do not like to take, the palace with money, but 200,000 two silver, but the wind of corruption All over the country, ill-fated, quite thrifty Daoguang desperation. The result was that the opium war succumbed to the first case of China cutting compensation for land and mourning and dishonor. A dynasty officials so corrupt, armaments so abase, the system is so decadent, how can not defeat? (The main reason for the Opium War is not only behind the editor’s note) Xianfeng Emperor just ascended the throne when he was ascended the throne. Dali Siqing Woren into words, will be a decadent dynasty, the official air portrayed into the wood one-third. Warren said these activities need some guts.