Big Data Framework for Quantitative Trading System

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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Massive trading data are produced in securities market every day. Besides, the amount of relevant social media data is also growing fast. It is a vital problem of making use of these data. Facing on the growing amount of data, using big data framework is a necessary and reasonable method. Then, a big data framework for quantitative trading system is proposed in this paper. In the framework, Apache Spark is chosen as the distributed computing framework to process trading data, and Apache HBase as the distributed database is used to store data. After introducing the whole framework, we discussed data sources and the structure of quantitative trading layer in detail. Massive trading data are produced in securities market every day. The amount of relevant social media data is also growing fast. It is a vital problem of making use of this data. Facing on the growing amount of data, using big data framework is a necessary and reasonable method. Then, a big data framework for quantitative trading system is proposed in this paper. In the framework, Apache Spark is chosen as the distributed computing framework to process trading data, and Apache HBase as the distributed database is used to store data. After introducing the whole framework, we discussed data sources and the structure of quantitative trading layer in detail.
小康是我国古代儒家所提倡的较“大同”世家低级的一种社会《礼记礼运》中认为:“今大道既隐,天下为家,各亲其亲,各子其子,货力为己”,“是谓小康”这种社会虽政教修明,但需礼来约束,不及大同世界,故称小康一般指禹汤文武成王周公之治    大同是儒家宣扬的理想社会《礼记礼运》中认为,在没有私有财产和私有观念的原始公有制社会,天下为公,君位不为一家所用,老幼病残,皆有所养,路不拾遗,夜不闭户,这便是“大同”
[摘要]在多媒體越来越在课堂上普及的今天,实验教学仍应有其特有的地位和作用。这就需要教师对实验进行创新一一创新实验教学方法、创新实验内容、创新实验组织形式、创新电脑模拟实验。  [关键词]多媒体 实验教学 创新    在多媒体技术愈来愈成熟的今天,多媒体教学已普遍的进入课堂,深得广大教师的青睐。多媒体教学确实有它不可替代的优点:首先能够提高学生的学习兴趣,因为多媒体可以包含图象、声音、动画,使