对华北克拉通孔兹岩带泥质麻粒岩样品中石榴子石的金红石出溶进行报道.该麻粒岩样品的矿物组合为石榴子石、夕线石、条纹长石、黑云母和石英.长石地质温度计在压力1×106 k Pa时给出的峰期温度大约为980℃,表明该样品曾经历了超高温变质作用.激光拉曼分析显示石榴子石中的定向针状金红石具有特征谱峰446~448和610 cm–1.在显微镜下可以观察到3~4组相互平行定向的针状金红石包体,因此认为它们是在变质峰期后抬升和降温过程中由石榴子石出溶形成.石榴子石出溶定向针状金红石可以在华北克拉通孔兹岩带用来指示超高温变质作用,当然也同样对其他超高温变质地体适用.
The rutile dissolution of garnet in the sample of argillaceous granulite from the North China craton is reported. The mineral assemblages of the granulite samples are garnet, sillimanite, feldspathic feldspar, biotite and quartz . The peak temperature for the feldspar geothermometer at a pressure of 1 × 106 kPa is about 980 ° C, indicating that the sample has undergone ultra-high temperature metamorphism.The laser Raman analysis shows that directional acicular rutile in garnet has Characteristic peaks 446-448 and 610 cm-1 .3 to 4 groups of acicular rutile inclusions oriented parallel to each other were observed under the microscope. Therefore, it is considered that the acicular rutile inclusions formed by garnet Formation and dissolution of the garnet The acicular rutile may be used to indicate the ultra-high temperature metamorphism in the North China craton, and of course for other ultra-high temperature metamorphic terranes.