典籍荟萃 宝笈精华——《中国历史文献精粹大典》即将问世

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中华文化源远流长,文献典籍浩如烟海,人们常常感到穷毕生之力亦难窥其崖略。鉴于近年来冒出一股蔑视文化、否定传统、厌恶读书的思潮,李瑞环同志曾呼吁人们以五千年的历史视野,十亿人的大国襟怀,探索民族振兴之道,奔向新的崛起,在天津市委及有关领导支持指导下,市重点项目——《中国历代文献精粹大典》的编纂工作迅速完成了。这部由天津社会科学院门岿主编、国内10省市300余位学者通力合作编纂的《大典》问世,无疑将有功于当代,泽及于后世。李瑞环同志为为《大典》撰写了序言,著名学者赵朴初、张友渔、胡厚宜、任继愈、王学仲、阎丽川等题了辞,赞扬大典集万卷精粹,巨秩尽百家奇珍”。功在当代,泽被后世”,是恰如其分的。这部注重实用的大型综合性工具书,集几千年文化遗产精华之大成;分为政事、经史、文艺、科技、人物 Chinese culture goes back to ancient times, literature books voluminous, people often feel that the power of poor life is difficult to peep its a little strategy. In view of the trend of thinking of contempt culture, denying tradition and loathe reading in recent years, Comrade Li Ruihuan has called on people to explore the path of rejuvenating the nation and toward a new rise with 5,000 years of historical horizons and a big country with a billion people. Under the guidance and support of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and relevant leaders, the compilation work of the key project of the city, the “Chinese Ancient Literature Review Ceremony,” was completed promptly. The “Grand Ceremony,” compiled and edited by the Academy of Social Sciences in Tianjin and co-edited by more than 300 scholars from 10 provinces and municipalities in China, will undoubtedly make a difference in the present era and in the future. Comrade Li Ruihuan wrote a preface to the “Grand Ceremony”. Famous scholars such as Zhao Puchu, Zhang Youyu, Hu Houyi, Ren Jiyu, Wang Xuezhong, and Yan Lichuan, gave speeches at the ceremony. Be later ", is appropriate. This practical and practical tool for large-scale synthesis sets the culmination of thousands of years of cultural heritage; it is divided into political affairs, history, literature and art, science and technology,
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