随着玉米杂交种的应用与推广,玉米产量得到大幅度的提高,越是增产率高越是有假、劣产品冒充。近几年这种事情屡见不鲜,1987年,我县从山西调入一批烟单14号玉米种因质量差(自交率高)给国家造成4万多元的损失,使农业也受损严重。最近四川资阳市调入的假泰油二号,也损失惨重,为此,我认为先进的检验技术是保证种子质量的关键。 玉米杂交种高产的基本因素:一是杂交优势强,二是纯度(杂交率)要高。试验结果表明,在相同条
With the application and popularization of corn hybrids, corn yield has been greatly improved, the more the higher the yield is, the more false, inferior products posing. In recent years, this kind of thing is not uncommon. In 1987, a number of Yandou 14 maize varieties transferred from Shanxi to our county due to poor quality (high self-planting rate) caused more than 40,000 yuan loss to the country and seriously damaged agriculture . Recently, Ziyang City, Sichuan Province, the introduction of false Thai oil on the 2nd, also suffered heavy losses, therefore, I think the advanced inspection technology is the key to ensure the quality of the seeds. Maize hybrids yield the basic factors: First, hybrid superiority, and second, purity (hybridization rate) to be high. Test results show that in the same article