心脏粘液瘤起源于原始内皮细胞或心内膜下细胞,发生率约占心脏肿瘤的50%,其中大部分为左房粘液瘤,右房粘液瘤则较少见。本院超声诊断右房巨大粘液瘤1例,并经手术证实,报告如下: 患者男,57岁。活动后心慌、气短伴下肢肿1年余,加重不能平卧2周入院。查体:神清,Bp14/8kPa,心率116次/min,唇略发绀,颈静脉怒张,心界轻度向两侧扩大,律剂,无明显杂音。肝肋下5cm,质中偏硬,双下肢压陷性水肿。
Myxoma of the heart originates from primitive endothelial cells or subendocardial cells, accounting for about 50% of the heart tumors, and most of them are left atrial myxoma, while right atrial myxoma is rare. The hospital diagnosed one case of giant myxoma of the right atrial canal by ultrasound and was confirmed by surgery. The report was as follows: The patient was male, 57 years old. After the activity, palpitation, shortness of breath and lower extremity swollen for more than one year. Heavier than can not be supine for 2 weeks. Physical examination: Shen Qing, Bp14/8kPa, heart rate 116 beats/min, slight cyanosis, jugular vein engorgement, slight expansion of the heart boundary to both sides, and no discernible noise. The liver is 5 cm below the ribs, hard in the mass, and crushed edema of both lower limbs.