1.《学刊》出版一年来,在实践中不断总结经验教训,不断提高出版质量。编辑部在组稿、版面、结构和安排方面,逐步改进,日趋完善。当然,在校对方面,不时出现错漏,盼设法克服。 2.办刊物,既是科学,又是艺术;既要认真,又要细致。科技界和教育界经常接触书刊,一份专业性强的期刊,尚能及时反映当前学科研究动态和实践经验,多么令人神往;但若版面结构紊乱,文字错漏频频,就会美中不足,使刊物大为逊色,长此以往,不免丧失吸引力。 3.编委要写稿、审稿、评稿以至发现新经验新动向及时组稿是一方面,指导、扶植、推荐年青后辈,使之逐渐成长成熟,应该说是另一方面的责任,老中青都为《学刊》献计出力,我们的刊物必然会越办越好。 4.《学刊》是我国农业图书情报界的论坛,是我们交流学术研究和工作经验的园
1. In the past year since its publication, the journal has continuously summed up its experiences and lessons in practice and continuously improved the quality of its publications. The editorial department has gradually improved and gradually improved in terms of group draft, layout, structure and arrangement. Of course, in school proofing, mistakes and omissions occur from time to time, and hopefully we can try to overcome them. 2. Do publications, both science, but also art; it is necessary to be serious, but also detailed. The scientific and technological community and the education sector are often exposed to books and periodicals. A highly professional journal can reflect the dynamic and practical experience of the current academic research in a timely manner. However, if the structure of the forum is disorganized and the texts are frequently misbranded, Outreach, the long run, can not help but lose attractiveness. 3. The editorial board should draft, review, review and even discover new trends and new trends in a timely manner is based on the one hand, to guide, nurture, recommend young offspring, so that gradually matured, it should be said that the other side of the responsibility, the old Youth are “Journal” dedication, our publication is bound to get better and better. 4. “Journal” is China’s agricultural library information forum, is our exchange of academic research and work experience in the park