列宁说过:“没有人的情感,就从来也不可能有人对于真理的追求。”情感从概念上来说是人对客观事物的态度所引起的内心体验;从其作用来讲是儿童思想意识道德行为强有力的发动者和鼓舞者。小学地理教学中渗透思想教育最有效的方法之一便是激发情感,以情动人。 情感是建立在认识的基础上的,只有打开学生情感的闸门,才能引发学生进行理性思考,使教材中的情感因素内化为学生的内心感受,达到教育教学
Lenin said: “There can never be any human being's pursuit of truth without human emotion.” Emotion is conceptualized as the inner experience of a person's attitude towards objective things; in its role it is the moral consciousness of children Be a strong starter and inspirational actor. One of the most effective ways to penetrate ideological education in primary school geography teaching is to stimulate emotions and move on with emotion. Emotions are based on cognition. Only by opening the floodgates of students' emotions can students initiate rational thinking so that the emotional factors in the textbooks can be internalized into the feelings of the students and reach the goal of education and teaching