马克思写于1845年4月的《关于费尔巴哈提纲》 (以下简称《提纲》),作为“包含着新世界观的天才萌芽的第一个文件”集中地从认识论基础,社会基础和历史局限等方面批判了费尔巴哈的人本主义历史观,第一次全面地归纳了他的新世界观的基本要点和理论纲要,把哲学探讨的眼光转向人的社会关系及其内在原因上。在这份《提纲》里,马克思把人的本质的问题置于历史唯物主义的基础上,得出“人的本质并不是单个人所固有的抽象物,在其现实性上,是一切社会关系的总和”的科学结论。这标志着马克思已经走出人本主义历史观的思想境地,开始进入科学历史观的大门。现在值得注意的问题是,大多数研究《提纲》的文章,差不多都把马克思有关人的本质的思想当作一
Marx’s “Feuerbach Outline” (hereinafter referred to as the “Outline”), written in April 1845, as a “first document containing the genius of a new world outlook” concentrates on the epistemological basis, the social basis and the historical limitations Criticized Feuerbach’s humanistic view of history, summarized the basic points and theoretical outline of his new world outlook for the first time, and shifted his philosophical exploration to human social relations and its internal causes. In this “Outline,” Marx places the question of human nature on the basis of historical materialism and concludes that “the essence of man is not an abstraction inherent in a single individual. In its reality, it is all social relations The sum of ”the scientific conclusion. This indicates that Marx has stepped out of the ideological position of the historical view of humanism and has begun to enter the door of the scientific concept of history. Now it is worth noting that most of the articles that have studied the “Outline” almost treat Marx’s thinking on the essence of human beings as one