1980年3月,钱学森同志曾对笔者指出,科普是一项巨大的社会教育性质的系统工程,应建立起有中国特色的科普系统工程学。本文试图根据普利高津(I. Prigogine)的耗散结构理论(Dissipative Structtlre Theory)并结合哈肯(H. Haken)的协同学(Synergetics)
In March 1980, Comrade Qian Xuesen pointed out to the author that science popularization is a huge systematic project of social education and that science popularization systems engineering with Chinese characteristics should be established. This paper attempts to use the Dissipative Structure Theory of I. Prigogine in combination with H. Haken's Synergetics,