旋毛虫病是人畜共患的传染病,国内云南西藏等地曾有报导。1980年春哈尔滨市100余人因吃“涮羊肉”而致本病流行。国外有人曾用甲苯咪唑治疗旋毛虫病获满意疗效。我们在国内首次试用国产甲苯咪唑治疗旋毛虫病,也获得良好效果,现将观察结果报告如下。一、旋毛虫病的诊断依据 1、发病2~3周前有吃“涮羊肉”史; 2、有旋毛虫病主要临床表现,如发热、浮肿、肌痛、皮疹、无力等; 3、末梢血象嗜酸粒细胞增高; 4、血清旋毛虫环蚴试验阳性。
Trichinellosis is a zoonotic infectious disease, Yunnan and Tibet have been reported. In the spring of 1980, more than 100 people in Harbin suffered from the disease due to eating “boiled mutton.” Some people abroad have been treated with mebendazole Trichinella got satisfactory results. Our first trial of domestic mebendazole treatment of trichinosis, also received good results, the observations are reported below. First, the diagnosis of trichinosis According to 1, the incidence of 2 to 3 weeks before eating “boiled lamb” history; 2, the main clinical manifestations of trichinosis, such as fever, edema, myalgia, rash, weakness, etc .; 3, Blood eosinophils increased; 4, Sericulture Trichinella spiralis test positive.