感染性腹泻为一组广泛存在并流行于世界各地的胃肠道传染病,也是当今全球性重要的公共卫生问题之一.据 WHO 的资料,全世界每年腹泻病例高达30亿至50亿例次,约有500万至1000万病例因严重腹泻而死亡.本病儿童所占比例较高,其发病率仅次于上呼吸道感染亚、非、拉地区5岁以下儿童中,每年发生腹泻者在10亿人次以上,死者约500万.近20年来,感染性腹泻的研究取得了很大进展,例如阐明了大多数感染性腹泻的病原体及其致病机制,使中毒型菌痢的病死率大幅度下降到1%以下,方便、有效的口服补液疗法(ORT)的推广应用,显著地改善了腹泻脱水患者的预后等.然而,感染性腹泻在世界大部分地区仍是重要的医学难题之一,细菌性痢疾、沙门菌感染的发病率高居不下,加之新病源体的出现、肠道致泻菌的耐药问题等,给防治工作带来了新的难题和挑战.霍乱新菌株 O139的流行预示着第八次世界大流行的开始.在世界上号称最洁净卫生城市的日本大阪爆发流行 O157:H7大肠杆菌感染,不得不令人深思.最近,港台地区流行的肠道腺病毒感染等均提示感染性腹泻对人类构成的威胁.与现代医学突飞猛进的发展相比,感染性腹泻的研究进展显得较为缓慢,但是,如果我们将彻底控制感染性腹泻的希望寄托于抗生素、液体疗法和疫苗(菌苗)的研制及应用是不现实的.WHO 于1978年5月制定了全球《腹泻病控制规划》(programme for control of diarrhoeal diseases,CDD),我国于1984年参加了全球 CDD 活动,结合我国的实际情况制定了相应规划.特
Infectious diarrhea is a group of gastrointestinal diseases that are prevalent in and around the world and one of the most important public health problems in the world today, according to WHO data of up to 3 billion to 5 billion diarrhea cases worldwide each year , About 5 million to 10 million cases of death due to severe diarrhea.The proportion of children with this disease is higher, the incidence rate is second only to the upper respiratory tract infection in children in Asia, Africa, Latin America under the age of 5 years, diarrhea occurs in each year More than 1 billion people, the deceased about 5000000. In the past 20 years, research on infectious diarrhea has made great progress, for example, to clarify the pathogens of most infectious diarrhea and its pathogenesis, so that the mortality of toxic bacillary dysentery large Amplitude drops below 1%, convenient and effective oral rehydration therapy (ORT) promotion and application, significantly improved the prognosis of patients with diarrhea and dehydration, etc. However, infectious diarrhea is still one of the most important medical problems in most parts of the world , Bacillary dysentery, the high incidence of Salmonella infection, combined with the emergence of new pathogens, intestinal bacteria caused by Allergenic bacteria, to prevention and control work has brought new challenges and challenges .New strain of cholera O139 Showing the beginning of the eighth world pandemic in the world known as the cleanest and most healthy city in Osaka, Japan outbreak of epidemic O157: H7 Escherichia coli infection, had thought-provoking recently in Hong Kong and Taiwan epidemic of intestinal adenovirus infection All indicate the threat posed by infectious diarrhea to human beings, and the progress of infectious diarrhea is relatively slow compared with the rapid development of modern medicine. However, if we hope to thoroughly control the hope of infectious diarrhea on antibiotics, liquid therapy and vaccines (Vaccine) development and application is not realistic.WHO in May 1978 developed a global “diarrheal disease control program” (program for the control of diarrheal diseases, CDD), our country in 1984 to participate in the global CDD activities, combined with The actual situation in our country has been formulated accordingly