时下的中国,法治已不再只是自梁启超以来文人墨客笔下的论题,而被政治家定为治国安邦的国策方略,由此也成为寻常百姓关注的焦点问题。早在2000多年前,中国人就听过法治的折子戏,但为今人津津乐道的却是一部西式的法治歌剧,因其编剧者众,话题便由当进口一个什么样版本引出,依流行见解,最恰当之举莫过于选英美版法治(Rule of Law)而弃德国版法治国(Rechtsstaat),严格地说是充满“康德精神”的法治国。甚为要
Nowadays, in China, the rule of law is no longer just an issue written by literary people since Liang Qichao, but has been set by politicians as a national strategy for managing the country and bringing peace to the country. This has also become the focus of ordinary people’s attention. As early as 2000 years ago, the Chinese people had heard of the rule of law, but for the sake of today’s people, it is a Western-style opera for the rule of law. Because of its screenwriter’s publicity, the topic is led by what kind of version it imports. Popular opinion, the most appropriate move than the election of the British and American versions of the rule of law (Rule of Law) and abandon the German version of the rule of law (Rechtsstaat), strictly speaking, is full of “Kant spirit” rule of law. Very necessary