杂志学术刊每月5日、文化刊每月25日出版欢迎订阅国内专门研究历史文化名城保护与建设的刊物住房和城乡建设部、国家文物局、中国城市科学研究会支持单位为名城立永业为人居立大典订阅热线:0514-87329882 87329548全年定价:学术刊:120元文化刊:180元国内统一刊号:CN32-1793/G0地址:扬州市文昌中路411号传真:0514-87329882国际标准刊号:ISSN1674-4144邮发代号:28-155(学术刊)28-454(文化刊)联系电话:0514-87329882网址:www.chinaac.net
Magazine Academic Journal Monthly 5th, Culture Journal Published on the 25th of each month Welcome to subscribe to the domestic publications dedicated to the protection and construction of historical and cultural cities Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, China City Science Research Association For the Habitat set up ceremony Hotline: 0514-87329882 87329548 Annual pricing: Academic: 120 Culture: 180 yuan The national unified serial number: CN32-1793 / G0 Address: 411 Wenchang Road, Yangzhou Fax: 0514-87329882 International Standards Issue Number: ISSN1674-4144 Postal Code: 28-155 (Academic Journal) 28-454 (Culture Magazine) Tel: 0514-87329882 Website: www.chinaac.net