Study on the Deconvolution Method and Processing Flow of Airgun Source Data

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chyu
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With its high repeatability,the airgun source has been used to monitor the temporal variations of subsurface structures. However,under different working conditions,there will be subtle differences in the airgun source signals. To some extent,deconvolution can eliminate changes of the recorded signals due to source variations. Generally speaking,in order to remove the airgun source wavelet signal and obtain the Green’s functions between the airgun source and stations,we need to select an appropriate method to perform the deconvolution process for seismic waveform data. Frequency domain water level deconvolution and time domain iterative deconvolution are two kinds of deconvolution methods widely used in the field of receiver functions,etc. We use the Binchuan( in Yunnan Province,China) airgun data as an example to compare the performance of these two deconvolution methods in airgun source data processing. The results indicate that frequency domain water level deconvolution is better in terms of computational efficiency;time domain iterative deconvolution is better in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio( SNR),and the initial motion of P-wave is also clearer. We further discuss the sequence issue of deconvolution and stack for multiple-shot airgun data processing. Finally,we propose a general processing flow for the airgun source data to extract the Green ’s functions between the airgun source and stations. With its high repeatability, the airgun source has been used to monitor the temporal variations of subsurface structures. There is be undertle working differences, there will be subtle differences in the airgun source signals. due to Source variations. Generally speaking, in order to remove the airgun source wavelet signal and obtain the Green’s functions between the airgun source and stations, we need to select an appropriate method to perform the deconvolution process for seismic waveform data. We use the Binchuan (in Yunnan Province, China) airgun data as an example to compare the performance of these two deconvolution methods in airgun source data processing. The results indicate that frequency domain water level deconvolution is better in terms of computational efficiency; time domain iterative deconvolution is better in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and the initial motion of P-wave is also clearer. We further discuss the sequence issue of deconvolution and stack for multiple- Finally, we propose a general processing flow for the airgun source data to extract the Green ’s functions between the airgun source and stations.
摘 要:高中数学课堂不像电视连续剧,在每一集结束时留一个悬念就可以吸引观众第二天继续观看. 若每天上课开始都重复着那句单调而乏味的语言“今天我们讲……”来引入新课,学生则会听而不闻,旁若无事. 在这种涣散和无意识的心理状态下,学生是不可能学好的,也就不会获得良好的教学效果. 如何精心设计课堂引入部分,是提高数学课堂效率的关键步骤和重要手段之一.  关键词:数学应用;趣味悬念;数学原理;数学体系  
《六祖坛经》是禅宗六祖慧能毕生弘法的记录,也是他教学风格的体现。慧能在教学中展示出他独特的教学风格,即:对修行者个体人格的尊重,主体精神的张扬和教学方式的灵活。  慧能是我国禅宗第六代祖师,他一生弘法的记录主要集中于《六祖坛经》,因此,本书当是六祖慧能禅学思想的忠实体现。慧能弘法于芸芸众生,说教之中也展示出他独特的教学风格。文章试从《六祖坛经》入手,对其教学风格做一简要分析。  一、对修行者个体人
情感是维系和协调师生双边活动的 纽带和桥梁,是教学活动的 灵魂,直接影响着教学效果的好坏。尤其是体育教学,由专业特点决定教师经常要手把手教授学生动作,与学生情感交流更为直接、具体。教师的每一个表情、每一个动作、每一个暗示、每一个眼神都传递着教师不同的 情感,都可能引起学生情感产生巨大的变化。师生情感和谐融洽,学生才能“亲其师,信其道。”进而“乐其道,学其道”。体育教师应具备“四情”。  一、热爱之
The Anhui Experiment, a pilot experiment of “Yangtze River Geoscience Project ”conducted in October,2015,is a large active-source experiment using airgun sour
人力资源管理课程兼具理论性与实践性,在教学方法上,教师注重理论教学的同时也应注重实践教学,可以采用案例教学、情景模拟、专业实习的实践教学方法,提高教学效果。  一、课程教学方法改革的必要性  随着经济的不断发展,企业经营现实中,突出存在着这样的矛盾:一方面,企业、组织深深意识到人力资源、人力资源管理的重要作用;另一方面,企业中高素质的专业人员、高素质的人力资源管理者又非常匮乏。从人才培养的角度看,
文章首先说明重视口语教学的重要性,然后指出为何在目前的大学教育中,口语如此难以实施的主要原因呢,最后,针对以上的原因提出可行的提高的方法,以供英语教学者们参考,提高学生的全面的素质的提高。  一、口语教学的必要性  一直以来,大学英语作为大学本科生的必修课,占到学生学分的很大一部分。按时间来算,历时通常是两年。英语教学一直不断的在改革,也取得了很好的收效。但是,口语教学一直是教师和学生心中的痛。可
3G是英文3rd Generation的缩写,是指能够将无线通信、国际互联网等多媒体通信结合在一起的新一代移动通信系统。它能够处理图像、音乐、视频流等多种媒体形式,提供包括网页浏览、电话会议、电子商务等多种信息服务。这些服务的提供也使得手机作为广告平台的实现方式更加丰富,使手机广告接触消费者的途径更加多样和精确。作为大众媒介体系中的“第五媒体”及即手机媒体,就是在3G技术的支持下不断发展起来,逐渐
博客自产生以来,日益凸现其在新闻传播方面的强大功能,这与博客独有的传播特质密切相关。文章通过对博客新闻的考察,首先对博客的概念进行了界定,并在此基础上对博客的传播特质进行了解析。然后,从新闻学和传播学的角度切入,对博客的新闻传播功能进行了本体分析,并在对博客传播要素分析的基础上,对博客的新闻传播问题作了详尽的阐述。  “博客”是英文单词“Blog”的音译,来源于“WebLog(网络日志)”的缩写,