一五年來,新中國的中等師範教育,在黨和政府的正確領導下,排除了前進中的種種障礙,獲得了巨大的成就。 據一九五三年統計,全國中等師範學校共計七九一所,學生三六九、一七八人(女生九五、二六六人,占百分之二五點八,少數民族學生一八、一五五人約占百分之五),其中:師範學校三五七所,學生一一一、二九一人;幼兒師范學校七所,學生六七五五人,初級師範學校四二七所,學生二五一、一三二人。學生數比國民黨反動統治時期最高一年(一九四六年)的超過了百分之五○點三。連同小學師資訓練班、小學教師輪訓班等,從一九四九年到現在,共計培養出畢業學生約四十六萬餘人。其中師範學校學生約十萬八千余人,初師學生
In the last five years, under the correct leadership of the party and the government, the secondary normal education in new China ruled out the obstacles in progress and achieved tremendous achievements. According to the statistics of 1953, a total of 7,191 secondary normal schools in the country have a total of 369 and 178 students (95% and 266% respectively, accounting for 25.8% of the total) Eight or 155%), of whom: 357 normal schools, 111 students and 291 students; seven preschool teachers’ schools, 6755 students, and 4 27, students 251, 132. The number of students surpassed 503 per cent during the highest year (1946) of the Kuomintang’s reactionary rule. Together with primary teacher training courses and primary teacher training courses, from 1949 to the present, a total of about 460,000 graduate students have been trained. Among them, there are about 108,000 students in normal school and first-year students