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已经证明电铸工艺是制造液体火箭发动机再生冷却推力室的一种极好的方法。NASA制订的工艺计划既研究了普通工艺,也研究了先进的工艺。利用普通工艺方法制造了几种可冷却的两端带法兰的圆柱段和推力室,并且热试车很成功。这些推力室装有带涂层的钨衬里、氧化钍弥散镍内壁和石墨衬里。两端带法兰的圆柱段装有耐热镍基合金-x和带涂层的镍内壁。由于电铸工艺具有多方面的适应性,使这种工艺不仅仅限于简单的几何形状,因此才使这些设计方案有可能实现。已经把先进的电铸工艺用于制造金属丝缠绕的组合式承受压力载荷的电铸结构。这种组合式结构大大提高了结构强度而仍旧保持了电铸的优点。利用电沉积弥散增强的镍来改善材料的强度也是可能的。可是,这种方法尚需进一步研究。电铸工艺是一种成熟的制造方法。可是,用来制造推力室,如果不细心按照一定的方法进行,仍然会产生诸如材料强度不均匀、气孔和分层等问题。这份报告讨论了路易斯研究中心所执行的各项电铸计划,在讨论中,把重点放在以前未曾报道过的实用方面。 The electroforming process has proven to be an excellent way to create a liquid rocket engine regeneratively cooled thrust chamber. The process plan developed by NASA examines both conventional and advanced processes. Several types of coolancable cylindrical sections and thrust chambers with flanges at both ends were manufactured using conventional processes and the thermal run was successful. These thrust chambers are equipped with a coated tungsten lining, a thorium oxide diffused nickel inner wall and a graphite lining. Cylindrical sections with flanges on both ends are fitted with heat-resistant nickel-base alloy-x and coated nickel inner walls. As the electroforming process has many aspects of adaptability, so that the process is not limited to a simple geometric shape, thus making these designs possible. Advanced electroforming processes have been used to make wire-wound, composite, electroformed structures that withstand pressure loads. This modular structure greatly improves the structural strength while still maintaining the advantages of electroforming. It is also possible to improve the strength of the material by electrodepositing dispersedly-reinforced nickel. However, this method needs further study. Electroforming process is a mature manufacturing method. However, the thrust chamber used to create, if not careful according to a certain method, there will still be such as non-uniform material strength, porosity and delamination and other issues. This report discusses various electroforming projects conducted by the Louis Research Center, focusing on the practical aspects that have not been reported before.
一、引言 为了进行混合排气的涡轮风扇发动机主燃烧室高空点火实验研究,必须知道发动机在自转状态下的内涵流量.在国外,这个流量一般通过试验获得.对于新设计的发动机则不得
1.引言 当前,厚体跨音速绕流研究的主要方向在M_∞≈1附近。在0.95
本文针对正弦扫描振动试验中存在问题,在试验中采用单点控制,平均控制,滤波控制,下凹控制等技术,从而提高了试验质量,较顺利地完成各种大型振动试验任务。 In this paper, t