护士长:今天护理查房,讨论蚕豆病的发病原理和护理。先请甲护士介绍病例。护士甲:患儿男,3岁,因发热2天,皮肤巩膜黄染、解酱油色尿1天于1996年6月20日以蚕豆病收入院。入院时T 38℃、P 120次/分、R 28次/分,面色苍白,精神差,纳差。其母代诉1996年6月17日食蚕豆2天后出现发热,无咳嗽、流涕及呕吐,解黄色稀便2~3次/日,量不多,服用感冒药(具体不详)后症状无好转,次日晨解酱油色尿,皮肤巩膜出现黄染。无尿急尿痛。查
Nurse: Today care rounds to discuss the pathogenesis and nursing of fava bean disease. Please first introduce a nurse case. Nurse A: children male, 3 years old, 2 days due to fever, skin scleral yellow dye, solution soy sauce color urine one day in June 20, 1996 to Victims of Vicia faba. Admission T 38 ℃, P 120 beats / min, R 28 beats / min, pale, poor spirit, anorexia. The mother complained June 17, 1996 after two days of eating broad beans fever, no cough, runny nose and vomiting, solution of yellow loose stool 2 to 3 times / day, a small amount, taking cold medicine (specific unknown) after symptoms Improved, the next morning solution soy sauce, urine, skin sclera yellow dye. Urinary urgency without pain. check