2016年,引进大片中有两部“惊天”之作,一曰《惊天魔盗团2》(Now You See Me2),一曰《惊天绑架团》(Kidnapping Mr.Heineken)。后者,实际上去年便在北美上映了,在信息传播神速的今天,旧作重映,票房表现不佳.可想而知;再者,与炫目烧脑的《魔盗团》相比,《绑架团》也的确平淡了许多。不过,这电影还是有些看头的,特别是如果你喜爱啤酒的话——Heineken是荷兰著名的啤酒品牌,在中国,大名“喜力”。Heineken的大老板被绑,其爆炸性的确称得上“惊天”——而且,这还是基于真实事件之作。其实,在《绑架团》初登欧美院线之时,国内也有一部基于真实事件的绑架片上映,即《解救吾先生》,后者虽称不上“惊天”,影响却也不小,彼时,若两片同时在中国影院角力,想必会有相当的话题效应。
“So you’vedecided to make your own luck.I can understand that.I made Heineken into a world class brand.Me.On my own.It’s worth billions now.Ididthat.And not by sitting on my ass either,waiting for the stupid money fairy to hit me on my stupid damned head.You know that what you’re doing is completely stupid.Unless,of course,you pull it off,in which case it canbe completely brilliant.Yeah.I suppose if I wereinyour shoes,I would do exactly the same.”(你们几个想碰碰运气。这我能理解。我把喜力做成世界著名品牌。全靠我自己。现在喜力值几十亿。我做到了。我做到这一点,可不是靠傻乎乎地坐着,等着傻财神往我的傻脑袋上砸钱。你们知道自己干的绝对是蠢事,不过,这事要是干成了,那,就绝对是漂亮的一招啊。是呀。我想,如果我是你们,我也会这么干。)影片开头,安东尼·霍普金斯(Anthony Hopkins)饰演的虽囚于斗室、满面憔悴,却仍然双眼充满睿智与狡狯的Mr.Heineken如是说。
1983年的阿姆斯特丹,以Cor van Hout为首的五个穷困潦倒的小青年聚在一起,他们不满社会的种种不公,不知道该干点什么可以安身立命的事,而且,Cor的妻子刚刚告诉他,她怀孕了。这些还没有适应成人世界的“大孩子”们,想要找个迅速发财的办法。于是,看着握在手里的半空的啤酒瓶,他们决心干一票“大的”——绑架喜力啤酒公司老板Alfred Heineken。
虽然“kidnap”往往涉及暴力,但是“kidnap”的成功,首先却是“诱惑”,暴力倒在其次了。孙中山先生在其名著《伦敦蒙难记》(Kidnapped in London)中谈到自己在伦敦被清政府特务缉捕,被囚于清政府驻英公使馆的一章,名曰“My Capture”(被捕),对应之中文则是“被诱”。孙先生在伦敦“偶遇”中国同乡,彼此先以英语交谈(即便同为华人,也往往方言不通,故用英文),后改为广东话,越谈越亲近,不想逐渐落入对方圈套。“My would-be Chinese friend,therefore,addressed me in English until he found my dialect.We then conversed in the Cantonese dialect.Whilst he was talking we were slowly advancing along the street,and presently a second Chinaman joined us.so that I had now one on each side.They pressed me to go in to their‘lodgings’(住所)and enjoy a smoke and chat with them.I gently demurred(婉拒),and we stopped on the pavement.A third Chinaman now appeared and my first acquaintance left us.The two who remained further pressed me to accompany them,and I was gradually,and in a seemingly friendly manner,led to the upper edge of the pavement,when the door of an adjacent(临近的) house suddenly opened and I was half-jokingly and half-persistently compelled to enter by my companions,one oneither side,who reinforced their entreaties(恳求)by a quasi-friendly(似乎友善的)push…”1
“So you’vedecided to make your own luck.I can understand that.I made Heineken into a world class brand.Me.On my own.It’s worth billions now.Ididthat.And not by sitting on my ass either,waiting for the stupid money fairy to hit me on my stupid damned head.You know that what you’re doing is completely stupid.Unless,of course,you pull it off,in which case it canbe completely brilliant.Yeah.I suppose if I wereinyour shoes,I would do exactly the same.”(你们几个想碰碰运气。这我能理解。我把喜力做成世界著名品牌。全靠我自己。现在喜力值几十亿。我做到了。我做到这一点,可不是靠傻乎乎地坐着,等着傻财神往我的傻脑袋上砸钱。你们知道自己干的绝对是蠢事,不过,这事要是干成了,那,就绝对是漂亮的一招啊。是呀。我想,如果我是你们,我也会这么干。)影片开头,安东尼·霍普金斯(Anthony Hopkins)饰演的虽囚于斗室、满面憔悴,却仍然双眼充满睿智与狡狯的Mr.Heineken如是说。
1983年的阿姆斯特丹,以Cor van Hout为首的五个穷困潦倒的小青年聚在一起,他们不满社会的种种不公,不知道该干点什么可以安身立命的事,而且,Cor的妻子刚刚告诉他,她怀孕了。这些还没有适应成人世界的“大孩子”们,想要找个迅速发财的办法。于是,看着握在手里的半空的啤酒瓶,他们决心干一票“大的”——绑架喜力啤酒公司老板Alfred Heineken。
虽然“kidnap”往往涉及暴力,但是“kidnap”的成功,首先却是“诱惑”,暴力倒在其次了。孙中山先生在其名著《伦敦蒙难记》(Kidnapped in London)中谈到自己在伦敦被清政府特务缉捕,被囚于清政府驻英公使馆的一章,名曰“My Capture”(被捕),对应之中文则是“被诱”。孙先生在伦敦“偶遇”中国同乡,彼此先以英语交谈(即便同为华人,也往往方言不通,故用英文),后改为广东话,越谈越亲近,不想逐渐落入对方圈套。“My would-be Chinese friend,therefore,addressed me in English until he found my dialect.We then conversed in the Cantonese dialect.Whilst he was talking we were slowly advancing along the street,and presently a second Chinaman joined us.so that I had now one on each side.They pressed me to go in to their‘lodgings’(住所)and enjoy a smoke and chat with them.I gently demurred(婉拒),and we stopped on the pavement.A third Chinaman now appeared and my first acquaintance left us.The two who remained further pressed me to accompany them,and I was gradually,and in a seemingly friendly manner,led to the upper edge of the pavement,when the door of an adjacent(临近的) house suddenly opened and I was half-jokingly and half-persistently compelled to enter by my companions,one oneither side,who reinforced their entreaties(恳求)by a quasi-friendly(似乎友善的)push…”1