Rethinking Eugene Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory

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  【Abstract】Functional Equivalence Theory is considered as one of the most influential theories in the translation circle. Over the decades, it has gained both high appreciation and drastic criticism. This paper is going to rethink its uncertainties.
  【Key words】Functional Equivalence Theory; Eugene Nida; translation studies
  1. Controversy in the term
  Metatranslatology is a philosophy of translation theories and sets up rules to check whether some translation criterion is properly established. (Gu, 2002). In Metatranslatology, the first and foremost is to illustrate what sort of terminology could be theoretically valid.
  Originally, the word “equivalence” means something that is “equal in value, amount, meaning”. It is normal to use it in most cases of daily life and academic disciplines to denote “equalness”, but when it is employed in translation studies, a problem occurs. All of us know clearly that to “translate” means to “change” and “remove”, so it would be ridiculous to think that something is still equal to itself after being changed and removed into another language. The words “correspondence” and “closeness” would be better and more accurate.
  2. Contradiction in the theoretical basis
  Although he denied having borrowed ideas and terms from Chomsky, Eugene Nida seemed to have simplified the three-layer Transformational-generative Grammar into a two-layer one, in which the surface structures can be traced back to universal deep structures by means of transformational rules. Nida skipped the initial element and squeezed the base component into kernel sentences (deep structures). He focused upon a simplified notion that languages share similarities and translation studies could proceed on such ground. Unfortunately, what he ignored is that Chomsky’s base component allows for an infinite diversity, and Chomsky emphasized that deep structure rules allow for structural diversity as well as surface differences in human languages.
  Another sign of misappropriation lies in the methodology. Nida proposed a three-stage translating system where translators firstly deconstruct the source text into kernel sentences, transfer the kernels into those of the target language, and then construct translating works. While in Chomsky’s description, he provided the order of sentence formation from base and deep structures to surface structures. As we can see, Nida put the system backward and thinks that translating proceeds in a decoding and encoding pattern where the core message (kernels) never changes. But the validity of the backward deduction remains doubtful.   Chomsky himself has argued against the appropriation of his work to substantiate translation theories. While arguing in favor of universals common to all languages, Chomsky holds the opinion that these formal properties go much deeper than the particular deep structure of a sentence in any given language. Thus the theory is not designed for comparing two specific languages.
  Chomsky discounted the Sapir Whorf Hypothesis which stresses the influence posed by cultures, and extracted universal characteristics of human languages out of specific cultural contexts. Nida, nevertheless, pays special attention to cultural contexts of the target language. He therefore advocates that translators should not only possess a good command of multiple languages, but also acquire a sound and profound knowledge of the target culture. This contradiction further explains that FET cannot be fully justified.
  3. Conclusion
  Eugene Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory is, with no doubt, one of the most influential translation theories in the history. Previously, research on Nida and his theory concentrated on theological intentions and the subjective nature of “readers’ responses”. This paper provides a comparatively new and more profound angle to study on its terminology and theoretical basis. While “equivalence” is a word of much controversy, Chomsky’s TG Grammar also differs from Nida’s theoretical proposals in several aspects, indicating potential misappropriation.
  [1]Chomsky, A. N. Syntactic structures[J].1957.
  [2]Gu, Z. K. Metatranslatology[J]. Chinese Translators Journal, 2002, 23(4).
  [3]Nida, E. A. Toward a science of translating[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004.
  [4]Nida, E. A. Principles of correspondence. The Translation Studies Reader (2nd ed.)[J]. London : Routledge,2004.
【摘要】高中英语是高中教学的重要组成部分。随着高中阶段的英语教学的改革和发展,对语言能力的培养和提升越来越重视,高中生在这个阶段的语言发展也处于关键时期,如何帮助学生提高语言学习能力,是我们一线的教师不得忽视的问题。文章结合教学实践,对高中生的语言能力的培养的方法策略问题,从三个方面进行分析和探索。  【关键词】高中英语;英语教学;语言能力;培养策略  【作者简介】王明东,江苏省六合高级中学。  
【摘要】翻译不仅是一种单纯的语言转换,也是一种跨地域、跨文化的沟通和交流过程,因此文化翻译建设是“一带一路”项目翻译发展中的重中之重。本文探讨了如何运用翻译补偿理论来更好的完善文化翻译建设,从而更好地传播中国传统文化。  【关键词】补偿理论;一带一路;文化翻译建设  【作者简介】焦燕(1981.12.12-),女,汉族,黑龙江哈尔滨人,黑龙江外国语学院,英语系教师,讲师,研究方向:旅游英语翻译,对
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1.色狼  在东北深山老林之中,有一个名不见经传的小山村,叫羊肠屯。羊肠屯屯如其名,山路坑坑洼洼,曲曲弯弯,确实像极了羊肠子,要多难走有多难走。住户也不多,稀稀拉拉地散居在山坡上洼地里。时年28岁的周翠枝就住在这个屯子的东头。  周翠枝长相清秀,心地朴实善良,但身世颇有些不幸。就在年前,男人好端端的突然生了场急病,不等送到医院就闭了眼。周翠枝和男人虽是经媒人介绍走到一块的,可感情非常深,以致大半年
【摘要】随着新课程改革的深入,对高中英语教学有效性的探究越来越受到重视。本文主要从教学理念、教学方式、教学内容、教学手段和教学评价四方面尝试性地探索新课程改革背景下提升高中英语教学有效性的措施,旨在打造高效的高中英语课堂教学。  【关键词】高中英语;新课程改革;有效性  【作者简介】姚洪敏(1987.08.15-),女,汉族,吉林德惠人,通化市第十一中学校,中教二级教师,本科,研究方向:高中英语。
【摘要】随着时代的不断发展,以及素质教学的不断深入,当今的教学部门已经改变了对于高中学生的教学目标,不再过分注重学生的考试成绩,而是开始将注意力转移到如何提升学生的实践能力以及对知识的运用能力。在高中英语教学中,学生不仅要学习一定的理论知识,同时也要掌握英语的表达方式,因此教师就应该坚持核心素养教学。基于此,本文将对如何在核心素养下开展高中英语教学进行分析。  【关键词】高中英语教学;学科核心素养
【摘要】公共事业管理是中国民航飞行学院空中乘务学院增设的第一个全日制本科专业,其课程建设须基于学院特色、学生情况以及未来就业方向进行全新定义和探索。《大学英语》课程在其课程设置中占有相当部分的比重,因此研究者利用自身教学之便,对《大学英语》进行新专业建设下的新探索。  【关键词】大学英语;探索  【作者简介】罗艺(1991-),女,汉族,四川人,中国民航飞行学院,助教,硕士研究生,研究方向:外国语
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【摘要】《义务教育英语课程标准》主张教师将书本知识向现实生活延伸,通过学习活动空间的开拓,驱动学生的学习活动,开发其学习的潜能。在项目化课题理念的引领下,我们有效地将物理空间与信息空间有机融合,努力为学生打造全方位立体式学习空间,构建“蓝天下、课堂中、互联网上”的学习环境,真正为儿童的学习服务。  【关键词】项目化学习;小学英语;学习空间  【作者简介】朱秀梅,江苏省泰州市姜堰区实验小学教育集团城
【摘要】学生的英语学习不容易,如果教师在教学过程中积极创造真实场景,以情境教学为基础,将课堂知识迁移到实践中,可以有效降低学生的学习难度,增加语用机会。而单纯的英语理论教学会导致理论与应用的分离,学生会觉得学习英语是无用的。因此,只有在英语教学课堂,充分发挥真实场景创作的作用,才能充分激发学生的学习兴趣。  【关键词】高中英语;真实情景;创造模式;教学方法  学习场景创,可以让学生感受到身临其境,