高效原则 ,是指在中学教育行政管理中 ,合理地组织和利用人力、物力、财力和时间资源 ,从而取得较好的效率和效益。可见 ,高效原则的含义包括提高工作效率和提高教育投资效益两个方面。中学教育行政管理要求高效 ,这是管理本质特征的反映 ,也是管理工作的基本目标和最终归宿。
The principle of high efficiency refers to the rational organization and use of manpower, material resources, financial resources, and time resources in the administration of secondary school education to achieve better efficiency and efficiency. It can be seen that the meaning of the principle of high efficiency includes two aspects: improving work efficiency and improving education investment efficiency. The administrative management of middle school education requires high efficiency. This is a reflection of the essential characteristics of management and is also the basic goal and final destination of management work.