1985年10月,国家出版局宣布我国加入国际连续出版物数据系统(ISDS),并于1986年4月在巴黎举行的ISDS第六届全体大会上我国当选为理事国。国际ISDS中心使用数据技库术,系统地收集、记录世界各国连续出版物的有关数据。为便于工作,它制定了统一的期刊著录规则,规定每一种连续出版物都应有一个国际性的、唯一的识别号,即“国际标准连续出版物号”(International Standard Serial Number,简称ISSN)。目前,ISSN在世界范围内
In October 1985, the State Press announced that my country had joined the International System of Continuous Publication Data (ISDS) and that China was elected as a member at the 6th ISDS plenary meeting held in Paris in April 1986. The International ISDS Center uses data technology to systematically collect and record relevant data from successive publications in various countries in the world. In order to facilitate its work, it has established a uniform rules for the annotation of periodicals, stipulating that each successive publication shall have an international and unique identification number, namely the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) ). Currently, ISSN is worldwide