曾有一位领导对笔者谈起:“现代公安刑侦如何达到一个快字?如何在快字上做文章?”:这个“快”在公安刑侦实践的具体体现就是指的高效、迅速、准确。 在现代社会里,人们把当今和未来的世界称为信息社会,谁掌握现代化的信息系统,谁就将在经济技术或者军事实力上稳操胜券。“信息系统”被提到如此高度,可见掌握并运用之作用重要。笔者认为:公安刑侦自然也不例外,如何实现高效、迅速、准确运转的工作机制,首要环节就是必须形成并建立相应的信息系统。本文就此略陈管见。
There was a leader of the author talked about: “How to achieve a quick criminal investigation of modern public security how to make an essay on fast words?”: This “fast” in the practice of public security criminal investigation refers to the specific embodiment of efficient, rapid and accurate. In modern society, people call the present and future world an information society, and whoever holds the modern information system will win the war on economics, technology or military strength. The “information system” was mentioned at such a high level that it is important to master and use it. I believe: public security criminal investigation is no exception, how to achieve efficient, rapid and accurate working mechanism, the first step is the need to form and establish the appropriate information system. This article slightly oversight.