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支撑社会生存和发展的三大支柱是材料、能源和信息。而材料是能源和信息的基础,所以材料无疑是人类社会文明的基石。常规能源(材料)有煤、石油和电力等,近年又发展了核能发电和太阳能发电等。核电站需要许多耐核辐射的特殊材料;太阳能发电,首先要把太阳能光转换为电能的优异半导体材料才能实现。所以说,材料是能源的基础。材料,特别是新材料也是信息技术的基础。超高纯半导体材料托起微电子技术,从而使信息技术产业即将成为第一大产业,有力地推动人类社会进入信息化社会。为了保卫祖国安全,为了维护世界和平,我国相继研制成功原子弹、氢弹和导弹。但是,要有足够的动力才能 The three pillars supporting social survival and development are materials, energy and information. Material is the basis of energy and information, so the material is undoubtedly the cornerstone of human civilization. Conventional energy (materials) include coal, petroleum and electricity, and in recent years nuclear power and solar power have been developed. Nuclear power plants require special materials that are resistant to nuclear radiation; solar power generation, first of all, is to achieve superior semiconductor materials that convert solar energy into electricity. So, material is the basis of energy. Materials, especially new materials, are also the foundations of information technology. Ultra-high-purity semiconductor materials hold up the micro-electronics technology, so that the information technology industry will soon become the largest industry, effectively promote human society into the information society. In order to defend the security of the motherland and in order to safeguard world peace, China has successfully developed atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs and missiles. However, there must be enough motivation
提示考生备考复习时,应该狠抓基础知识、基本技能的理解和训练,在高考中掌控基础知识的分数,就可奠定高考成功的基石。 Tips candidates review preparation, should pay cl
“五四” 以后,新文学社团如雨后春笋,纷纷涌现;在天津,出现较早、影响较大的要算是“绿波社”了。在20年代,绿波社编刊物、出丛书、搞创作,活跃于一时,成为北方文坛一支实
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河北省永年县某村民问:我家邻居王某准备将位于我家正南的平房翻盖成两层楼,这样就使我家院子在冬天见不到阳光。我多次找他交 Yongnian County, Hebei Province, a village
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