颅脑外伤的发生率在平时或战时都居创伤的首位或仅次于四肢骨折。重型颅脑损伤由于伤及中枢神经系统,其死亡率和致残率均高,故历来被视为人体创伤之最险要者。及时、正确的院前诊断及急救处理,对患者的预后有着重要意义。我科近4年来,出诊接治重型颅脑损伤患者97例,现作一小结。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料男54例,女43例,年龄8~78岁,平均43岁。受伤至接诊时间<30分钟41例,30分钟~1小时37例,>1小时19例。GCS评分3~5分29例,5~8分68例。1.2 受伤情况车祸致伤50例,高空坠落14例,打击伤7例,
The incidence of traumatic brain injury in peacetime or wartime are the first place in trauma or fractures after limbs. Severe traumatic brain injury due to injury to the central nervous system, the mortality and disability rates are high, it has always been considered the most dangerous human trauma. Timely and correct pre-hospital diagnosis and emergency treatment, the prognosis of patients with great significance. Nearly 4 years my department, treatment of severe craniocerebral injury patients treated 97 cases, make a summary. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information 54 males and 43 females, aged 8 to 78 years, mean 43 years. Injuries to admission time <30 minutes in 41 cases, 30 minutes to 1 hour in 37 cases,> 1 hour in 19 cases. GCS score 3 to 5 in 29 cases, 5 to 8 points in 68 cases. 1.2 injuries injured 50 cases of car accident, 14 cases of altitude fall, hit and wound in 7 cases,