一九八二年我们在一幢住宅中,采用了筏式倒圆筒型薄壳基础,这种基础埋置浅,刚度大,施工方便,适宜于较深的软弱地基上的建筑物采用。它与采用混凝土灌注桩和平板浮筏基础比较,造价分别节省50%和20%左右,钢筋用量为平板浮筏基础的64%,混凝土用量节省20%以上。 该住宅为六层,长32.4米,宽9米,开间分别为3.4米和2.4米,横墙承重,檐高18.2米,建筑面
In 1982, we used a truss-style, inverted-cylindrical thin-shell foundation in a residential building. This foundation is shallow, rigid, and easy to construct. It is suitable for use on buildings that are located on deep, weak foundations. Compared with the use of concrete cast-in-place piles and flat floating foundations, the cost savings are about 50% and 20%, respectively, and the amount of reinforcement used is 64% of the flat floating foundation, and the amount of concrete used saves more than 20%. The house is six storeys, 32.4 meters long, 9 meters wide, with 3.4 meters and 2.4 meters open spaces, bearing weight on the cross walls, 18.2 meters high, and building surface.