Ministry of Railways JZ-7 locomotive air brake technical appraisal meeting by the Ministry of Railways Science and Technology Commission together with the Bureau of Machinery, Administration of Industry, Materials Administration, Safety Supervision Committee in October 28, 1978 to November 1 in Tianjin rolling stock Machinery factory held. Participated in the meeting are Railway Bureau, railway factories, railway institutions, the Ministry of Railways Institute of Science and Technology, locomotive and rolling stock Institute, Institute of Sifang vehicles, Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Science and Technology Information Institute, Tianjin Materials Administration and the Ministry of Railways, such as plastic factory in Tianjin 28 units, a total of 60 representatives. The meeting listened to Sifang Vehicle Research Institute JZ-7-type brake test research report; Tianjin Rolling Stock and Machinery Factory on the JZ-7-type brake to improve the design report and production reports; Sifang Locomotive and rolling stock factory on the JZ-7 type system Motive loading situation report; JZ-7 rubber shaft factory in Tianjin JZ-7-type brake rubber parts performance report; Shijiazhuang locomotive depot and Ling Qiu locomotive depot on the JZ-7 brake repair situation report; Yueshan locomotive depot and Urumqi Locomotive Depot About JZ-7-type brake