
来源 :Agricultural Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:libra_15
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[Objective]The aim of the research was to provide reference for reasonable application of nitrogen fertilizer for high yield cultivation of hybrid rape cultivar Youyan 9 and Youyan 10.[Method] The net increment changes of individual plant fresh weight and dry matter weight of Youyan 9 and Youyan 10 with different nitrogen application treatments were studied.[Result]The differences among average fresh weight increments of individual plant and average dry matter weight increment of individual plant with different treatments reached 0.01 extremely significant level. Fresh weight increment and dry matter weight net increment of individual plant declined gradually with the increase of nitrogen application. In growth course,fresh weight net increment of individual plant increased firstly then decreased and the maximum was in beginning flowering stage,besides that dry matter net increment increased gradually and the maximum was in mature period.The correlations among fresh net increment,dry matter weight net increment and yield net increment were positive or extremely positive.[Conclusion]Under experimental condition,when nitrogen application was 225 kg/hm2,hybrid rape Yanyou 9 and Yanyou 10 with low erucic,low glucosinolate could obtain high yield. [Objective] The aim of the research was to provide reference for reasonable application of nitrogen fertilizer for high yield cultivation of hybrid rape cultivar Youyan 9 and Youyan 10. [Method] The net increment changes of individual plant fresh weight and dry matter weight of Youyan 9 and Youyan 10 with different nitrogen application treatments were studied. [Result] The differences among average fresh weight increments of individual plants and average dry matter weight increment of individual plants with different treatments reached 0.01 extremely significant level. Fresh weight increment and dry matter weight net growth of individual plant declined gradually with the increase of nitrogen application. In growth course, fresh weight net increment of individual plant increased first then decreased and the maximum was in beginning flowering stage, except that dry matter net increase increased gradually and the maximum was in mature period. The correlations among fresh net increment, dry m atter weight net increment and yield net increment were positive or extremely positive. [Conclusion] Under experimental condition, when nitrogen application was 225 kg / hm2, hybrid rape Yanyou 9 and Yanyou 10 with low erucic, low glucosinolate could obtain high yield.
摘 要: 通过现实生活和翻译实践中的种种文化现象,我们体会到跨文化因素在促进双方沟通思想方面起着越来越重要的作用,因而我们在掌握翻译理论的同时,应注意了解各地的环境、风俗、宗教和历史文化等诸多因素,从而获取最佳的翻译效果。  关键词: 翻译 跨文化交际 因素 文化现象    翻译的目的是把源语所表达的意思传递给译入语的读者,客观上来说,翻译虽是翻译意义,但译入语文化不是通过翻译能完全消化源语的文化
目的:论文重点对1995年一2010年近15年国内核心期刊所载的关于中医治疗股骨头缺血性坏死的文献进行研究,揭示股骨头缺血性坏死中医证治规律,为临床规范治疗奠定理论基础。  方
摘 要: 创造性阅读能力的培养可通过联想和想象,由个别到一般地展开。在阅读中可充分利用文学作品的未确定性,培养学生的创造性阅读能力。  关键词: 语文学习 创造性阅读 能力培养    阅读是语文学习的关键,阅读能力直接影响着一个人的语文能力。中学阶段的语文学习,应把阅读训练当作重点。  阅读的过程,就是从语表到语内,由文里到文外,多层次地去感悟语境,多角度地去解读作者,从而获得自我创造的形象、满足
《语文课程标准》明确指出:“培养学生广泛的阅读兴趣,扩大阅读面,增加阅读量,提倡少做题、多读书、好读书、读整本书。”面对纷繁复杂而又丰富多彩的阅读世界,如何提高小学生的阅读能力呢?在实际教学工作中,我做了以下几方面的尝试。  一、重视兴趣的培养,使学生爱读书  爱因斯坦说:“兴趣和爱好是获取知识的动力。”教师必须重视培养学生阅读的兴趣,用兴趣这把钥匙打开儿童的心扉,引导学生走进知识宝库的大门。  
摘 要: 学生课外阅读是小学语文教学中不可或缺的重要环节,是语文阅读教学的延伸,是阅读习惯养成的重要内容和要求。教师在指导学生课外阅读时必须做到质和量的统一,既要求他们完成量的规定,更要让他们在阅读中真正受益,努力使每一次阅读都成为丰富语言和精神的有效阅读。  关键词: 小学语文教学 课外阅读 习惯养成    学生课外阅读是小学语文教学中不可或缺的重要环节,是语文阅读教学的延伸,是阅读习惯养成的重
摘 要: 如果说课堂教学是一幅画的活,那么设计精美的板书无疑就是这幅画画龙点睛的那一笔。然而,令人遗憾的是,在投影仪、大屏幕、班班通、导学案等这些便利条件的影响下,走进语文课堂,教师的课堂板书情况却不容乐观。语文教师应该对课文进行一种“再创造”,用精美的板书点亮课堂,吸引学生的眼球,生动体现出自己对教材的深刻理解和巧妙处理,显示自己的教学思想和教学风格,闪耀出绚丽的智慧之花。  关键词: 语文课堂
目的:  固定带是夹板外固定系统的动力来源,对其约束力控制得当与否决定治疗的成败。然而目前对其控制仍以定性为主,为实现量化调控,本研究对天津医院、天津市骨科研究所研制的