按照WHO国际药物监测合作中心的规定:药物不良反应(adverse drug reactions,简称ADR)系指正常剂量的药物用于预防、诊断、治疗疾病或调节生理机能时出现的有害的和与用药目的无关的反应。虽然与化学药物相比,中草药的不良反应较低,但绝非为“中草药是天然药物,安全无毒”。据文献统计,20世纪50年代国内中草药不良反应报道仅26例,而90年代却上升至4869例,增加了近190倍[1]。目前已知引起不良反应的中药材有243味,这些数据都提醒我们必需重视中草药的不良反应。我们翻阅大量资料,分析不良反应发生的原因如下:
In accordance with the provisions of the WHO International Center for Drug Control Collaboration: Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) refer to harmful and non-applicable drugs that occur when a normal dose of a drug is used to prevent, diagnose, treat, or modify physiological functions. reaction. Although the adverse reactions of Chinese herbal medicines are lower than those of chemical medicines, they are definitely not “Chinese herbal medicines are natural medicines, safe and non-toxic.” According to literature statistics, only 26 cases of domestic herbal adverse reactions were reported in the 1950s, but rose to 4869 cases in the 1990s, an increase of nearly 190 times [1]. At present, Chinese herbal medicines that cause adverse reactions are known to have 243 tastes. These data remind us that we must pay attention to the adverse reactions of Chinese herbs. We have read a large amount of information and analyzed the causes of adverse reactions as follows: