唇腭裂是颌面部最为常见的先天性发育畸形.许多唇腭裂患者表现为上颌宽度发育不足,合理治疗上颌宽度不足,对于获得理想和稳定的唇腭裂序列治疗效果具有重要意义.正畸治疗是唇腭裂序列治疗的重要组成部分,本文就乳牙与替牙期正畸治疗中针对上颌宽度不足的合理管控进行了论述.“,”Cleft lip and palate is the most common congenital malformation in the maxillofacial region The transverse maxillary deficiency is observed in many patients with cleft lip and palate.Treatment of maxillary deficiency is important to obtain optimal and stable result.Orthodontic treatment is a vital part of the multidisciplinary management of cleft lip and palate.Rational orthodontic treatment of maxillary deficiency in the deciduous and mixed dentitions is discussed in the article.