本科自1985年10月~1986年5月应用雷公藤总甙治疗带状疱疹70例,取得满意效果。现报告如下: 70例中男54倒,女16例。年龄9~70岁,平均37岁。病期1~14天,平均5.1天,5天以内者48例,5天以上者22例。皮疹部位:躯干44例,四肢11例,头,颈、耳13例,会阴2例。治疗方法:全部病例均单用泰州制药厂生产的雷公藤总甙治疗.按1~1.2mg/kg/日,分三次服.每5天复诊观察一次。结果:雷公藤总甙治疗后疼痛在1~17天内消失,
Undergraduate from October 1985 to May 1986 application of Tripterygium glycosides in the treatment of 70 cases of shingles, and achieved satisfactory results. Now report as follows: 70 cases of male 54 down, 16 females. Aged 9 to 70 years old, average 37 years old. Disease period of 1 to 14 days, an average of 5.1 days, 5 days within 48 cases, more than 5 days in 22 cases. Rash site: 44 cases of trunk, limbs in 11 cases, head, neck, ears in 13 cases, 2 cases of perineum. Treatment: All patients were treated with Tripterygium glycosides produced in Taizhou Pharmaceutical Factory alone, and the patients were treated with 1 ~ 1.2mg / kg / day in three doses and the patients were observed every 5 days. Results: The pain of Tripterygium glycosides disappeared in 1 ~ 17 days after treatment,