(甲)數學教學方法經驗的總結 (一) 此次清華所辦的幹部補習班,既是一種短期速成班,其目的為使來校補習的幹部們在四個月之內獲得進入工科大學所需的數理化基礎,因此在整個教學過程中就必須貫澈著速成教學的精神。本篇所述是關於數學速成教學方法的一些經驗總結。由於我們去摸索速成經驗的時間太短,因此關於經驗的總結必然是談不到全面而深刻的。此處僅僅將它介紹出來,作為相互交流之用,還希望大家能多多參加意見,加以修正或補充。
(A) Summarization of experience in mathematics teaching methods (1) The cadre cram school held by Tsinghua University is both a short-term crash course and its purpose is to enable the cadres who come to the school to get into the University of Engineering within four months. The basis of mathematics and physics and chemistry, therefore, the spirit of accelerated teaching must be maintained throughout the entire teaching process. This article is a summary of some of the lessons learned from accelerated mathematics teaching. Since the time for us to explore the quick experience is too short, the summary of experience must be less than comprehensive and profound. It will be introduced here only as a means of mutual exchange. It is also hoped that everyone can participate in the amendment and supplement it.