“我的孩子怎么啦?” 我所带领的班级。在进入初二年级以后,常常有家长忧心忡忡地来到学校,向我我发出这样的疑问:“我的孩子怎么啦?”这些家长好象在一夜之间突然不认得自己的孩子了。“我的孩子从前不是这样”张觉非的妈妈对我说。“他以前回家经常给我讲学校里发生的各种事情,某某被老师批评了,某某和某某打架了……等等。可是到了初二,他回到家沉默寡言,再也不讲学校里发生的的事情了,回家来不是看书就是听录音带,完全变了一个人。’其他家长也有类似的感触。 其实,对这一时期的孩子们的变化,我这个当班主任的所观察和了解到的,何止这些。常言道:“年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同。”孩子们进入初二,除了第二性征开始明显了以外,他们不为人知的内心世界亦在发生悄悄的变化。这一时期的孩子具有了独立、好奇、闭锁、反叛等特点。他们独立,不愿再让妈妈牵着手上街、访友,他们不但深怕再尾随妈妈而遭别人耻笑,而且把父母过多到校,即使是老师“有请”,也视为
“What’s wrong with my child?” The class I lead. After entering the second grade, parents often come to school with anxiety and send me the question to me: “What happened to my child?” The parents seemed to suddenly not recognize their children overnight. “My child was not like this before,” Zhang Juefei’s mother told me. “He used to go home often to tell me about everything that happened in school, some were criticized by the teacher, and so and so and so and so ... ... However, on the second day, he came home quiet and never speak What happened in school, came home to read a book or listen to the tape, completely changed a person. ’Other parents have a similar feeling.In fact, the changes of children in this period, I observed the duty director And learned that more than these. As the saying goes: ”Flowers are similar in age, age is different. “Children entering the first two days, except when the secondary sexual characteristics began to be conspicuous, are also quietly changing in their hidden inner world, in which children have the characteristics of independence, curiosity, blocking and rebel independence. , Unwilling to let mom holding hands on the streets, friends, they are not only afraid of trailing mom and being ridiculed by others, but too many parents to school, even if the teacher ”have please" is also considered