11月28日,在伦敦英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)举办了由《建筑评论》杂志创办的AR+D新锐建筑奖(AR+D Awards for Emerging Architecture)颁奖仪式,该奖项创立于1999年,旨在奖励全球45岁以下青年建筑师的建筑作品,是目前国际上最权威、竞争最激烈的建筑奖项之一。本年度评委包括艾瑞克·欧文·莫斯(Eric Owen Moss,美国)、曼纽埃尔·戈特德(Manuelle Gautrand,法国)和彼特·库克(Peter Cook,英国)等,共评选出4项联合优胜奖(Joint Winner)和10项佳作奖(Highly Commended)。中国建筑师这次有两项作品获佳作奖:简盟工作室设计的玉树嘉那嘛呢游客到访中心及HWCD设计的扬州施桥园竹院茶馆。
On November 28, AR + D Awards for Emerging Architecture was presented by Architectural Review Magazine at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) in London. The award was founded in 1999, One of the most authoritative and competitive architectural awards in the world to reward the architectural work of young architects under the age of 45 globally. This year’s judges include Eric Owen Moss (USA), Manuelle Gautrand (France) and Peter Cook (UK) 4 Joint Winner awards and 10 Highly Commended awards. Chinese architects have won two masterpieces this year: the Yushu Jiarun Visitor Center designed by Jane Union Studio and the Zhuyuan Tea House at HWCD’s Yangzhou Shiqiao Garden.