Until We Meet Again at the Rainbow Bridge

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  (I’m a volunteer at the Abbott Road Animal Clinic; Dr. Missy and her assistants Jeanne and Amanda are very kind and helpful. Everyday they work with full of emotion and energy, which can affect me. I really enjoy every second I am there.)
  At nearly noon, a lady came in with a big boxer. Several weeks ago, the 7yearold boxer had suddenly become ill. He had to be taken to the vetvet:A vet is someone who is qualified to treat sick or injured animals. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use veterinarian) emergency room. There, veterinarians found blood inside his distended abdomendistended abdomen:If a part of your body is distended, or if it distends, it becomes swollen and unnaturally large. (MEDICAL or FORMAL);abdomen:腹部。, his body ravaged withravaged:A town, country, or economy that has been ravaged is one that has been damaged so much that it is almost completely destroyed. cancer. But the owner still hoped to spend several days with him before having to put him to sleep. Today was their last day. I was working in the back, but since the door was open, I could see into the consulting room. There, the owner was consolingconsole:=comfort her anxious dog over and over again: “You are okay. Everything will be fine.” Jeanne looked so upset when she came out from the consulting room, I could even see tears in her eyes. “Dr. Missy, I’m not going get in later, it will remind me of my baby.” Her voice was choking. Dr. Missy nodded and Jeanne went into the surgery room to prepare the injection they need. Jeanne told me that one of her favorite dogs was put to sleep just two weeks ago that Dr. Missy did it in Jeanne’s home. It was a really hard time for her.
   If you are passionate about something, pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks. That’s how dreams are achieved. 如果你热爱一样东西,就拼命去追逐它,不管别人怎么看,只有这样梦想才能实现。
   If you’re lucky enough to have something that makes you different from everybody else, don’t change. Uniqueness is priceless. 如果你足够幸运,拥有别人身上没有的东西,千万不要改变。独一无二的,才是最珍贵的。
  Dr. Missy is a quiet woman and she was typing something on the computer silently as usual, but I heard her sigh. She didn’t say a word until she entered the consulting room and closed the door. About 10 to 15 minutes later, she came out, once again closing the door behind her. Our next appointment was a 1monthold kitty, who was coming in for a basic physical examination. The owner had gotten her just several days earlier. The little tiny kitty brought us lots of laughter, which helped temporarily distract me and ease my heavy heart.
  The consulting room door opened, and the owner walked out solemnlysolemnly:solemn=serious, leaving behind her dog, which lay on the floor silently, and a box of paper tissues. I knew that the tissues had prepared for that poor lady by Dr. Missy and Jeanne. Before we put the dog into a big plastic bag, Amanda kissed his head. His body was still warm. On the table, I saw a clay name and paw print in a pretty transparent pocket with black paw printed and a delicate cinerary casket. His name was Sam. A sentence on the top of cinerary casketcinerary casket:骨灰盒。 attracted me, “…Until we meet again at the rainbow bridge”. It is said that there is a place called Rainbow Bridge beside heaven. When an animal dies, the pet goes to this place, where has plenty of food, water, sunshine, where it can play together with other pets; where there are no leashes, no diseases. Those who were hurt or maimed will be healthy and strong again. But there is still someone in the pet’s heart, someday, when their distance is shorten, the pet will run to the Rainbow Bridge to meet the person, kisses his or her face, and they will never be apart.
  The strength of the humananimal bond has proven to enhance the lives of both people and pets. We have started to understand and nurture this bond, which goes far beyond companionship.
  I used to have a great cat, he was intelligent, good with other cats, and was my mom’s pal. Unfortunately, he got intense immune system disease at 6yearold age and got sicker and sicker day by day. The vet told us that there was nothing to do but prepare for the cat death. My cat’s favorite task was to watch the world go by. He would perch himself on a shelf, look outside and enjoy the sunshine. However, he was too sick to get on the shelf gradually. To let him do what he liked, we lifted him into the shelf every morning and he would stay there until the dinnertime. At last, we decided to put him to sleep since we wanted to stop his suffering. It is the regret for my life that I didn’t accompany him at the moment he died. I thought it would be too painful for me at that time. My mom said he was too frightened to come out from the carrier until she talked to him and appeased him.
  We all wish our pets could die when they are in sleep, but that seldom happens. Many of us will have to face with the euthanasia at last. The final decision is always hard but there is still something we can do to prolong our pets’ lives. All veterinarians aim for the same result: keeping that essential humananimal bond strong and the pet comfortable in its final days, and to be by their side so they don’t pass alone. Until someday we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge.
  “Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge… when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion…Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.”—Author unknown
  2011年,《福布斯》杂志发布的美国大学排名榜中,位列榜首的是只有2141名在校学生、具有美国最佳文理学院之称的威廉姆斯学院 (Williams College),普林斯顿大学 (Princeton University)屈居第二,而著名的哈佛大学只排到了第六的位置。这也是该学院连续第二年当选美国最佳大学。
如何安排好冲刺阶段的复习关系到高考能否发挥出最佳水平。这里给大家提出24字建议:把握考试标高,梳理基础知识,提升语言能力,钻研答题技巧。  一、把握考试标高的原则很简单:一切以考试大纲为依据,以高考真题为范例  复习内容一定要与高考对接。一个简略的判断方法:一份复习材料或试题,首先看阅读题。用考试大纲的词汇表来鉴别,如果一篇阅读中的生词不超过3个,这份材料的难度可能是适中的;如果有35个,这份材
1992年6月27日,在月亮田矿潮湿而又阴冷的矿井巷道里,敖成忠离开绞车正往坡下走去,刚走到挡车器位置时,忽然听到身后井巷中传来闷雷般的响声。他的第一反应 June 27, 1992,
创业铸造裕隆辉煌始建于1977年的单家村煤矿,由于种种原因,到1984年才仅仅完成矿建工程量的1 1.3%,而21 00万元的投资所剩无几。整个煤矿犹如搁浅的大船,进退两难。悲观、焦
  编者按:英国作家迈克尔·莫波格,走访了位于英国南部的德文郡数位老兵,并受一个无法跟人交流却能跟马流畅沟通的少年启发,写下了一部儿童小说《战马》。这本小说是以一匹叫做“乔伊”(Zoey)的马为第一视角,叙述了它在英国农场以及英德战场上的颠沛流离,也从旁见证了战争的残酷。  《战马》的故事有些残忍,但基调是温情的,在给人们带来创伤的战火中,借由乔伊与男孩艾伯特的深厚情谊,彰显了永不磨灭的勇气与希