Coupled alkali feldspar dissolution and secondary mineral precipitation in batch systems: 5.Results

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mengyangshizamao
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This paper explores how dissolution and precipitation reactions are coupled in batch reactor experimental systems at elevated temperatures. This is the fifth paper in our series of ‘‘Coupled Alkali Feldspar Dissolution and Secondary Mineral Precipitation in Batch Systems.’’ In the previous four papers we presented batch experiments of alkali-feldspar hydrolysis and explored the coupling of dissolution and precipitation reactions(Fu et al. in Chem Geol91:955–964, 2009; Zhu and Lu in Geochim Cosmochim Acta 73:3171–3200, 2009; Zhu et Geochim Cosmochim Acta 74:3963–3983, 2010; Lu et al. in Appl Geochem30:75–90, 2013). Here, we present the results of additionalK-rich feldspar hydrolysis experiments at 150 °C. Our solution chemistry measurements have constrained feldspar dissolution rates, and our high resolution transmission electron microscopy work has identified boehmite precipitation. Reaction path modeling of K-feldspar dissolution and boehmite precipitation simulated the coupled reactions, but only with forced changes of boehmite rate law in the middle of experimental duration. The results which are reported in this article lend further support to our hypothesis that slow secondary mineral precipitation explains part of the wellknown apparent discrepancy between lab measured and field estimated feldspar dissolution rates(Zhu et al. in Water–rock interaction, 2004). This paper explores how dissolution and precipitation reactions are coupled in batch reactor experimental systems at elevated temperatures. This is fifth paper in our series of ’’ Coupled Alkali Feldspar Dissolution and Secondary Mineral Precipitation in Batch Systems. ’’ In the previous four papers we presented batch experiments of alkali-feldspar hydrolysis and explored the coupling of dissolution and precipitation reactions (Fu et al. in Chem Geol 91: 955-964, 2009; Zhu and Lu in Geochim Cosmochim Acta 73: 3171-3200, 2009; Zhu et al .in Geochim Cosmochim Acta 74: 3963-3983, 2010; Lu et al. in Appl Geochem 30: 75-90, 2013). Here, we present the results of additional K-rich feldspar hydrolysis experiments at 150 ° C. Our solution chemistry measurements has constrained feldspar dissolution rates, and our high resolution transmission electron microscopy work has identified boehmite precipitation. Reaction path modeling of K-feldspar dissolution and boehmite precipitation simulated the coupled reactions, but only with forced changes of boehmite rate law in the middle of experimental duration. The results which are reported in this article lend further support to our hypothesis that slow secondary mineral precipitation explain part of the wellknown apparent discrepancy between lab measured and field estimated feldspar dissolution rates (Zhu et al. in Water-rock interaction, 2004).
摘 要:口算能力于小学生而言,无疑是数学学习能力的敲门砖,是未来学习能力不可或缺的手段,这也在一定程度上决定着小学生的未来。从小开始重视学生口算方面的技能能够帮助学生提高注意力,强化记忆力,理清思维逻辑力。本文浅要分析了小学生口算失误的相关原因,探讨出几点提高小学生口算能力的策略。  关键词:口算能力;新教程;改革  在新课程的改革背景下,对小学生的口算能力有了新要求。学校教育应当重视培养学生的口
摘 要:英语课堂教学是一门艺术。这门艺术体现在教学设计须环环相扣,层次分明,过渡衔接自然巧妙。教师组织课堂时,运用恰当的过渡衔接手段,既能起到承上启下作用,也能使教学环节清楚明确,结构严谨,自然流畅。整堂课将一气呵成。给学生一次次艺术的享受的同时,也能架起一座座思维的桥梁,提高英语学习的有效性。本文旨在通过多样的教学片断,探讨中学英语教师对课堂巧妙过渡衔接的切入点。  关键词:过渡衔接;内在逻辑;
摘 要:数学知识所特有的螺旋上升和逻辑性、抽象性极强的特点,需要我们更加关注学生的“数学思考”,并对学生的数学学习心理进行充分地了解。唯有在洞悉儿童心理的基础上,制定符合他们心理特征的教学活动,带着学生经历深刻、理性的“数学思考”,亲历知识的形成过程,才能培养学生良好的数学素养,实现对数学学习本质最好的回归。  关键词:新旧链接;儿童心理;数学思考  《2011版小学数学课程标准》首次把“数学思考
摘 要:语文是所有科目的基础性学科,在中职的教学中起着重要的作用,能够帮助学生掌握母语,培养学生的语感,掌握说话的技巧,理解国语的艺术真谛。通过语文的学习,能够提高学生人际交往的能力、职业能力和个人的综合素质。在实际教学中,中职院校在语文教学的还存在着许多问题,要转变教师的语文教学理念,运用创新的方法为学生传授知识,结合实际情况进行语文课堂教育的改革。  关键词:中职;语文课堂;问题与对策分析  
学生的探索学习能力在数学学习过程起到不可忽视的作用,在教学中,教师应该注重学生的探索学习能力的培养,从而不断提高学生自主学习数学的能力,提升学生的数学素质。  一、创设学习情境,培养学生探索能力  《数学课程标准》指出:“学生的数学学习内容,应当是现实的,有意义的,富有挑战性的,这些内容要有利于学生主动地进行观察、实验、猜测、验证,推理与交流等数学活动,内容的呈现方式应采用不同的表达方式,以满足多
摘 要: 数学史和高等数学教学息息相关,通过在高等数学教学中融入数学史知识,不仅可以激发学生学习兴趣、培养坚韧不拔的科学研究精神和爱国主义情怀,而且可以使学生了解数学概念、定理和思想方法发展的脉络,还原数学发展时前人火热的思考,充分展示高等数学的魅力,使课堂具有浓郁的人文气息,提高学生学习兴趣。  关键词: 数学史 高等数学 教学改革  高等数学是高等学校理工科学生必修的一门重要基础课,其教学质量