Temporal sequential correlation analysis on compoundaction potentials of the auditory nerve versus t

来源 :Chinese Journal of Acoustics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:joshcky
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Compound action potentials of the auditory nerve in response to amplitude modulating tones were recorded in guinea pigs with electrode implanted to the exit of the internal auditory meatus and temporal sequential correlation between the responses and the modulators was studied in a paradigm of systematically changing acoustic parameters. Three kinds of modulators were used. continuous or burst sinusoids of fixed frequency (in the range of 40 Hz-5 kHz), short bursts of sinusoids with changing frequency and short segments of speech signal. Ranges of parametric variation were 500 Hz-20 kHz for carrier frequency, 5%-95% for modulation depth and 20 dB-90 dB SPL for intensity. For continuous or burst sinusoidal modulators of fixed frequencies, the correlation coefficient (r) remained quite high in most parametric conditions, ranging from 0.80 to 0.95. It became smaller mainly in instances of decreased response amplitude on account of unfavourable parameters. For burst modulators of changing frequency, r varied around 0.66-0.86. When segments of speech signal served as the modulators, significant correlation (r around 0.50 ) also existed, indicating the validity of the timing mode of information encoding for speech sound at the cochlear nerve level. Some theoretical and technical points in studying the timing mechanism of audition is discussed. Compound action potentials of the auditory nerve in response to amplitude modulating tones were recorded in guinea pigs with electrode implanted to the exit of the internal auditory meatus and temporal sequential correlation between the responses and the modulators was studied in a paradigm of systematically changing acoustic parameters. Continuous or burst sinusoids of fixed frequency (in the range of 40 Hz-5 kHz), short bursts of sinusoids with changing frequency and short segments of speech signal. Ranges of parametric variation were 500 Hz-20 kHz for continuous or burst sinusoidal modulators of fixed frequencies, the correlation coefficient (r) remains quite high in most parametric conditions, ranging from 0.80 to 0.95. It became smaller mainly in instances of decreased response amplitude on account of unfavorable parameters. For burst modulators of changing When segments of speech signal served as the modulators, significant correlation (r around 0.50) also existed, indicating the validity of the timing mode of information encoding for speech sound at the cochlear nerve level. and technical points in studying the timing mechanism of audition is discussed.
8(N,N二乙铵)n辛基3,4,5三甲氧基苯甲酸酯对培养的血管平滑肌细胞内钙动力学的作用刘学丽,邱春亿1,陈舟(DepartmentofMedicalPharmacologyandToxicology,TexasA&MUniversity... 8 (N, N-diethylammonium)  n  octyl  3,4,5  trimethoxybe
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题目  阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。  我们不能脱离传统;但为了走向未来,我们不能停留于传统。  要求:选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要脱离材料内容及含意的范围作文,不要套作,不得抄袭。  写作指导  一、对材料的理解  这是一道思考如何正确对待传统的命题。材料为两句话,前一句指出人们与传统紧密相连的客观现实,后一句表明了对传统的态度及其原因。总的来说,材料的主
近年来共同体研究越来越热,而教师式学生这个新词也被很多人提起,本文意即从概念解读、可行性验证和策略研究几个方面,谈谈对促进语文课堂学生的教师化的理解。 In recent y