树立适应性培养观 构建公安高专办学新模式

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为适应公安工作现实需要、顺应高职高专教育改革趋势,近年来,浙江公安高等专科学校坚持以服务公安基层、公安实战、公安队伍建设为宗旨,以提高学生就业适用能力为导向,依托行业,实施校局合作,围绕“办学有特色,教学有特点,学生有特长”的改革思路,在人才培养模式上进行了认真的探索与实践,取得了一定的成效。一、变对口培养观为适应培养观,彰现公安高专办学特色服务公安基层、服务公安实战、服务公安队伍建设,是我们长期形成的办学方向和服务定位。公安基层,主要是指派出所、看守所、车管所和刑警队、巡警 In order to meet the actual needs of public security work, conform to the trend of higher vocational education reform, in recent years, Zhejiang Public Security College adhere to the service public security grass-roots, public security combat, public security contingent building for the purpose, to enhance students’ ability to apply for employment-oriented, relying on industry , The implementation of school cooperation, around the “school characteristics, teaching characteristics, students have specialty” reform ideas, personnel training mode in a serious exploration and practice, and achieved some success. First, to change the concept of counterpart culture In order to adapt to the concept of culture, highlighting the characteristics of public security colleges and universities to serve the public security grass-roots service, public security combat service, construction of public security ranks, our long-term formation of the direction of running a school and service orientation. Public security grass-roots level, mainly refers to the police station, detention center, Che Kwun and Interpol team, patrolling
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学校文化是一所学校的灵魂所在,是其内在底蕴的反映、办学理念的载体、精神内核的体现、办学品位的标志。始建于1963年的大同市城区第十八小学校是山西省首批示范小学、义务教育示范学校、山西省特色学校。学校围绕“为了每一个孩子的成长、成功、成才而奠基”的办学理念,以创新发展的新思维,从拓展文化载体、深化文化内涵来确定学校的发展方向,积极构建“体验成功”的教育环境,赢得了良好的社会声誉。  一、起点问题细管
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