教学设计是课堂教学的蓝图,是落实教学理念的方案,是提高课堂教学效率、促进学生全面发展的前提和保证。在实施数学新课程的今天,课堂教学设计如何改变传统的教育理念,依据数学课程标准,创造性地使用教材,恰当地选择教学方式和方法,有效地提高学生素质,已成为大家关心和思考的问题。对此,笔者结合小学数学教学实践作了初步探索,愿与同行交流。 一、教学设计的特征 传统意义上的教学设计过分强调预设、封闭,使课堂教学变得机械、沉闷和程式化,师生的
Instructional design is a blueprint for classroom teaching, is the implementation of the concept of teaching programs, is to improve classroom teaching efficiency and promote the all-round development of students premise and guarantee. In the process of implementing the new mathematics curriculum, how to change the traditional educational ideas in the classroom instruction design, how to use the teaching materials creatively, how to choose the teaching methods and methods appropriately and how to improve the students' qualities has become a concern and thinking problem . In this regard, the author made a preliminary exploration with the practice of elementary mathematics teaching and is willing to exchange ideas with peers. First, the characteristics of the teaching design Traditional teaching design overemphasized the default, closed, so that classroom teaching becomes mechanical, dull and stylized, teachers and students