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2003年6月召开的部党组铁路跨越式发展研讨会上,刘志军部长作了题为《落实“三个代表”要求,抓住新的历史机遇,努力实现中国铁路跨越式发展》的重要讲话,使我们对中国铁路跨越式发展的重要意义、科学内涵、总体目标、基本任务和本质要求,提高了认识。2004年新年伊始,国务院讨论并通过了《中长期铁路网规划》,对加快铁路现代化建设步伐,实现铁路跨越式发展具有重要的战略意义。从2004年初开始的铁路改革,包括撤并站段、生产力布局调整、撤销分局、进行铁路大规模建设等等一系列措施,无一不与资产紧密挂钩。因此,对于国有资产能否管好用好,铁路跨越式发展的进展和成效如何已经成为全路所有干部职工包括家属们乃至社会各阶层的热门话题,因为这关系到改革的成败和国家利益的得失。基层站段作为铁路的最基本单元,是面对国有资产的最基础面。本文从当前基层站段资产管理的现状和面临的困难出发,提些粗浅的认识和看法。 At the seminar on leaps and bounds in the development of the railway at the ministry and assembly held in June 2003, Minister Liu Zhijun made the important speech entitled “Implementing the Three Represents”, “Seizing New Historical Opportunities and Striving to Achieve the Leaping Development of China’s Railways” The speech enables us to raise our awareness of the significance, scientific content, overall objectives, basic tasks and essential requirements of the Chinese railway by leaps and bounds. At the beginning of the new year 2004, the State Council discussed and approved the “Medium and Long-term Railway Network Planning”, which is of strategic importance for accelerating the pace of railway modernization and achieving the leapfrog development of the railway. From the beginning of 2004, the railway reform, including the merger and withdrawal section, the adjustment of the layout of productive forces, the withdrawal of branches, large-scale railway construction and a series of measures are all closely linked to assets. Therefore, whether or not the progress and effectiveness of the rapid development of the railway industry have become a hot topic for all cadres and workers, including their families and even all walks of life, as the state-owned assets can be managed well and used well, as it has a bearing on the success or failure of the reform and national interests Gains and losses. Grassroots stations as the most basic unit of the railway is the most basic face of state-owned assets. This article from the current status of the grassroots station asset management and the difficulties faced, put forward some superficial understanding and opinion.
在等差数列{an}中,d为公差,Sn为前n项和,则Sm,Sn,Sm+n有下列性质. 性质1 在等差数列{an}中,Sm+n=Sm+Sn+mnd(m,n∈N*). In the arithmetic sequence {an}, d is the toleran
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