各位领导、各位来宾 ,同志们 :今天 ,我们满怀喜悦在这里举行江苏省社会科学院建院二十周年庆祝大会。我代表江苏省社会科学院党委、行政与全体人员 ,向莅临大会的领导同志、向远道而来的兄弟省市社会科学院的负责同志 ,向与会的省有关部委厅局、市县、高校的负责同志 ,表示衷
Ladies and gentlemen, Ladies and Gentlemen, Today we are full of joy here to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the founding of Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Social Sciences. On behalf of the party committees, administrators and all personnel of the Academy of Social Sciences of Jiangsu Province, I represent the leading comrades who come to the conference and the responsible comrades from the brother provinces and cities of the Academy of Social Sciences who come from afar to the responsible comrades of the relevant ministries and commissions, municipalities and universities in the participating provinces , Expressed sincere